gearing ?'s

the biger the top gear or the smaller the bottom the higher ur top end but the harder the motor need to pull to get it there so ur acceleration will be alot slower. a 25 top is pretty high 22 is usaly stock. i would berfer to drop a tooth or 2 to gain corner to corver acceleration then top end ur sled should be good for around 110 or so on top end but it usaly takes a good 2000 or more feet to get there droping a tooth will take 2 mph of ur top end but get u to the top end a hell of alot faster.
im racing 660' and i keep forgetting what way the gearing works.
cant keep it straight just giving 2 different gearing options to see what would do what.
if ur goin 660 id recomend goin down to a 20 or 21 tooth top. that will get u to ur top speed alot sooner. im gonan try a 19 on sxr 700 for teh 660 ice drags this week end. im gonna change it out around the 3 or 4th run to see if it makes a diferance
Run the 22/40. You should get a better holeshot. The other guy may catch you at the end, but he still has to come around you. I've been known to run 20/40 in 600' on a ported motor..Maybe try 21/40. Alot depends on your body weight. The quickest wins, not the fastest.
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to answer your specific question
25/40 = 1.600 ( or .625)

22/38 = 1.727 ( or .579)

25/40 is a higher gear ration (more of a top speed ratio)

the question still remains if you can "pull" that ratio to end up at a faster speed at the end of 660'

In my mine, if the CVT still has shift left using the lower gear ratio, that will get you to 660 faster.

there is a great spread sheet that a TY memeber created for gearing.
With calculation on top speed for the diferent gearing.
As people are telling you cant simply change gearing hoping to get more speed from the sled or we would all be gearing for 130 to 140mph.
The motor needs to HP to pull your gearing ratio. If 100mph is a realistic max speed you are better off with gearing to get you there. Of course in short races this may change. You are not looking for top speed but better bottom end grunt. Do a search on gearing and you will find some great information.
