Pulled through studs.. what to do??


New member
Jan 2, 2006
Paris Ontario Canada
heh guys I pulled 2 studs out on the outside of my track and I wasnt sure on what to do. I dont know if I should leave them empty, or if I should take some old studs and grind them down so there shorter than the lugs and put it in the hole because they didnt really rip out too badly and that way I will be filling in the hole, but not putting any stress on those studs since they will be short. A friend of mine did the same thing though and he is running his hole empty and his track has been fine for 2 years.
What I do is just take a torch and melt where the stud ripped out. This way the track mends back together and still has some strength. Without doing something along these lines you run the risk of it ripping even more. Not sure I'd put old studs back in the ripped out areas, but thats just me.
there is a place out east called carrolltech that fixes tracks. Otherwise you could probably just take the studs out where they are ripping and it should still last awhile. Sucks when it blows though (no pun intended). Be cautious. I've blown a track at 100 before, no fun, especially on glare ice.
I've had a track repaired by Carrolltech with excellent results. In my opinion its worth having it repaired for piece of mind. The price is resonable and work guaranteed. Also, you can leave the track on the machine.
