Viper water pump leaking


VIP Lifetime Member
May 2, 2003
I know last year there were many people having problems with there water pumps leaking on there Vipers & SRX's. At this point mine is starting to leak. I know from the dealer that they said that yamaha wants them to replace the impeller, gasket & seals. I have also heard from other sources that they might even have to replace the shaft. If they have to replace the shaft they said they will have to pull the motor and split the cases. I would like to hear from anybody that had any of these items replaced and the outcome of the fix. (Thank's in advance) :roll:
Dont think they pulled the engine (got it back the next day) It's been a couple of years without releaking

What exactly was causing the leak?

I have an SRX600 that seems to have a leak coming from the joint of the
water pump cover and the block. I pulled the cover off and I found that
the bolt that holds the impeller on had fallen off, and the impeller had ground itself into the water pump cover (the blades were ground down, lots of aluminum powder, and the cover was also ground down in the impeller area.

The leak is a pretty big one (if you fill up the coolant tank, everything leaks out within 30 seconds)

I am not sure what exactly caused the leak though? Is this common and
what is the fix? Does anyone know?

Nevermind. I found the problem.

FYI for everyone,
once the impeller bolt let loose, the spring in the "Mechanical
Seal" pushes the impeller forward into the cover, and the seal is
no longer "sealed". Water flows past the seal and dumps out
the bottom. It is designed to do exactly this to let you know
that you have a problem.

Easy fix!
if you have a 2002 .you should change the impeler and the seal,,it should take care of the both on the 2002...other years you can just change the seal
viper water pump leaking

my 2002 MM 700 started leaking middle last year wasnt bad so I finished the season My dealer said he would cover it only had 550 miles on it started leaking at 300 ,they just fixed it last weekand, I rode it today for the first time Im not sure that its not still leaking ,I asked them if they need to change the impeller with the seal after I saw this and they said the seal will fix it now I might have to do it again with the impeller ?
fixing leak

you do not have to pull the motor to fix the leak,even if you change the shaft.i explained the whole procedure in a different post.any?'s e-mail me
