Good clutch set-up for 2000 and newer SRX's

51/43 helix..
8dn-20 weights 4.5g both holes
WWW primary spring
Green or Red secondary spring
Your sled already has those weights so all you need is the right rivets put in them, helix and the springs
I just did this to my sled and the difference is amazing. At 70-80mph it will pull hard and leave those stock sleds behind.
helix is stock from RX1 - $30used to $45 new
rivets - about 30 cents each :o)
primary spring - $18?

this is a cheap setup , i used it with my stock red secondary and beat 3 rev800ho's and a piped 700 x Edge polaris.

the theory is you are adding weight ( replacing 3.1 grams rivets with 4.5 gram rivets) to make the clutch shift faster, because the srx has the Hp to do it and keep accelerating.
the WWW spring raises the engagement rpm (4200) for a good launch (assuming you have good traction)

bottom line, you want to pull at 8300 for 98-99 srx, 8500 for 2000+srx

go to the tech page and it will tell you what your sled comes with in its clutch stock. Theres little colour markings on your springs that will tell you what it is.
works good

blueflash said:
51/43 helix..
8dn-20 weights 4.5g both holes
WWW primary spring
Green secondary spring
Your sled already has those weights so all you need is the right rivets put in them, helix and the springs
I just did this to my sled and the difference is amazing. At 70-80mph it will pull hard and leave those stock sleds behind.

Lets not forget thanks to Mrviper, this is his recommended setup!!

I used this setup on the weekend and ran 115.6 in 2000 feet in +5 degree celsius weather, good enough for first in 700 trail imp in North Bay.
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What are you running your secondary at and I can't seem to find a part number for a www spring, do you have the number?
try 2000srx ( bruce from CBPerformance) for the helix
I understand the 51/43 is a stock helix for RX1, and I bought one from him.

I have my red stock spring wound to 70 deg with the 51/43 helix
8500-8550 rpm on top end.

