I just took my 2004 Viper S (brand new) on it's first real trip. On the first full day of riding we put on 160 miles. Temps were in the lower 30s, lower 20's at night. On the way back we hit the flowage for the last couple of miles and let her rip. Hit the snow banks for some extra cooling, putted around and put her away for the night. I did notice when I was getting off of the sled that it smelled hot in an electrical way, but did not worry about it. The next morning I discovered that there was a small hole melted through the top right of the gauge pod as if something inside has cooked. Over the next two days I put on 200 miles with no performance problems, however, somtimes at low idel, the digital display will disappear, the gas gauge seems a bit hyper with readings, and most shocking, when I was riding with glove liners or bare handed in the warmer temps, I was getting static shocks via the hand grips!. I'm guessing that I have a bad ground somewhere and that this should be a warranty item as the sled is new this season. I looked for melting etc. on all the wires that I can get to and did not see any signs of trouble. Ideas anyone? ps. next trip is in a week....
Active member
I think you're right you have a bad ground somewhere, that might be a b*tch to find. Might want to start by looking under the gauge pod.
Sounds to me like a short. Either a hot wire, a ground wire or both have rubbed through and are shorting. Shouldn't be too difficult to trace, if there are melted parts the short will be rite there.