2002 Viper


New member
May 3, 2003
Epping, New Hampshire
I have a stock viper no mods. I have a bunch of buddies with 7+800 sleds. This viper is great stock but am looking to get a little more. I want to do some clutch work to this. Looking for a little more pull. What are the best mods or aftermarket kits that will achieve this? I dont have the rear heat exchanger, didn't have a problem with cooling. With playing with clutch kits will this thing end up with colling issues?? Any direction would be appreciated. :?:
Pull a layer out of the head gasket, if you ride at higher elevations then pull 2 layers. Be sure and run premium fuel, while not a huge gain in HP, it does improve throttle response.
As far as clutching goes, the 8EK weights arn't that bad, just make sure you have enough weight in them so it dosn't over rev. Anything over 8600 (with the stock pipe) and your loosing power. They pull the strongest at the 8300-8500 range. A 51-43 helix with a green secondary spring works good for most non-mountain riding conditions.

Clutching shouldn't effect the cooling, if you didn't have a problem before then the head gasket mod shouldn't either.
