Cleaning YPVS


New member
Dec 25, 2005
Presque Isle, ME
I talked to my local yamaha dealer, asked him about adjusting the power-valves and he said they have some substance there that you put in your gas tank called Ring-free or something and he said it does a real good job and cleaning the valves. He said to still have the valves adjusted atleast once a year using this stuff.Anyone have any input on this stuff on whether or not it works well?Thanks
i use this stuff but when i pulled my valves out this year i still had lots of carbon. i guess i was better off than some since i didn't need vise grips to get the valves out.
i use seafoam which is a similar product to ringfree-- i think it helps a lot, but they'll still need a manual cleaning and adjusting. i wouldn't let them go more than 1500 miles without at least checking/ cleaning them. although some sleds need it at 1000 miles, some could go 2000-- depends on how you drive it, oil type and consumption, etc. i readjusted mine before this season and you could really tell the difference-- motor just sounds and runs crisper and smoother. .02
EricMichael said:
I talked to my local yamaha dealer, asked him about adjusting the power-valves and he said they have some substance there that you put in your gas tank called Ring-free or something and he said it does a real good job and cleaning the valves. He said to still have the valves adjusted atleast once a year using this stuff.Anyone have any input on this stuff on whether or not it works well?Thanks

LOL...i can't believe the dealers around here,,yes it's pretty good stuff
yes it has it's place for still need to pull you PV's once
and awile and manualy clean them and Adj.
