WTB: Yamaha silver and blue Paint



What are the color codes for the 03 silver and blue for a viper? What companies sell the paint or equvlant color match? Does Dupli-color have the color? Thanks :yam:

You can get all your yamaha paints and codes from color-rite


...because I live in Canada I opted to save a few bucks on shipping and had my local PPG dealer match my colour using a hand held scanner. The match was very close to perfect (not noticeable).
blue paint

I sell Dupont paint for a living and I have used this Dupont paint number on my SRX and also have givin this code to my customers for Yamaha sleds. One of those I know was a Viper. It has always been a pretty good match. The blue does vary slightly on some sleds, but I've always had good luck with this number. It's called Yamaha racing blue pearl. The number is J3852. I'm sorry I can't give you a number for the silver right now, but if you have trouble getting it, I'll take my chromavision and go read one at our local dealer to get a number. Post back if you need more help. Chad.
Thanks for the color codes. Does anyone know if there us a color match from Dupli-Color?
Thanks :)
