?s for those srx owners who are beating larger sleds


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
1) what clutch and gear combo and track do you run?, clutchweight name, and rivets/bolts it has, spring name and secondary spring name. Name of and profile of track.
2) is your motor internally stock?
3) what year is your srx?
4) Do you have transfer rods?
5) what is your top speed on good conditions?

The reason I ask is that my clutched (8bu) and geared 22/40 still does not more than 102, and i acced even with a nytro!

That sled sounds really sick! Have you shecked out engine failure? Poor compression, powervalves? A friend of me had the same problem on his srx, but it was a 99. His runned just fine but it had poor accselration and top speed. Firs we tought that it was a clutching issue but when we checked it we find that 2 piston was burned.. but then again isnt it impossible to burn donwn the 2002 srx...?
120 psi on all 3. I think it is impossible, but it could be oil related, the dcs wont detect that.
impossible is a strong word, but difficult would fit.

your gearing isn't helping you any, 23/38 or 23/37 will get your top-end where it needs to be, what length and size of track are you running?
1,5 by 121 track.. I don't have transfer rods though and the limiter straps are tightened a bit for beating it on the trails..
#1 I have 8 tooth drivers and run 25/35 gears. With the 1.13 correction factor it's a 1.582 ratio. Clutching is from Knapp Yamaha in Prescott Ontario and they keep it a
secret. Track is Camoplast Predator 1.25" w/ 192 1.325" Woody's ss60 studs.
#2 Head is shaved .010.
#3 2000
#4 Trans. rods, yes, a must!
#5 I ran 107 w/a radar[I think the track is causing some drag].
I agree w/ the others. Check your compression and power valves make sure you have stock jetting,go w/ 23/38 and then adjust your clutches for 8200-8300rpm. Do a search on here for adjusting your pv's. Then put in LL100 aviation mixed 1/2 w/ pump high test. She'll run then LOL :die:
Got an all stock 2001 SRX with 192 studs. Can bury the spedo if I have enough balls to hold onto it long enough. Once it goes by 115 I get nervous!
Been working on the clutches only with heel clicker 2 speeds, a Team roller seconday and an Advante-Edge R3 secondary. When I was playing with the set ups, top speed was ranging from 85 to 100 before I started finding the sweet spots. Maybe your clutching is something for you to look at.

Good luck :WayCool:
I had my 01 srx with a .725" camo full block track with 196 studs, stock skid with transfer rods, stock gearing, stock clutching, a bender silencer, and c&a skis at 122 mph on gps.I was pulling a good 132-135 psi on all 3 cylinders when i did this.

Since then i put a Expert X a 1" 9830 track on it, went to 24/38 gearing and i can tell you it is not nearly as fast as it was. Don't care what the people tell you that expert does take a little off top end. But now it is more fun to ride!
norwegian said:
1,5 by 121 track.. I don't have transfer rods though and the limiter straps are tightened a bit for beating it on the trails..

well step 1 is get rid of that track, step 2 is take to get re-gear, step 3 is to take a look thru the clutching pages on this site, there's tons and tons of info on clutching the SRX, doesn't sound to me like you have a problem with the motor, altho it wouldn't hurt to check valve adjustment and make sure they're not stuck.
82-8300 is too low to be revving on a 2000 and up srx for speed runs. Even the 98-99's that is too low for a speed run. A drag race yes, but for speed you want to be revving her higher than that, more along the lines of 85-8600 for a '00-'02
