

New member
Aug 13, 2003
hey cool daddy with the chic red sled......do you really think you can hang with the mean GREEN Machines?????
better keep wrenchin' from what im hearing...LOL
hehe what 16 views and no backup smacktalk for the bushman?!?!?! so what all you boyz sceerrreed of the big green badcats????? hehe LOL
in 2004 green is gonna blow down your doors... :D
hehehe bender blender still can't hang with the ultamate "team green"
yam kickin machine!!!!! :lol:
were the heck is that bushman and his sidekick ranger jim with those mosquito smokin chic RED sleds....LOL

Well since I know BUSHMAN and I know he will get back to you on this matter, I'm going to step up for him right now and say bring it !!!!!
I don't care what kind of kitty your riding, I have an 02 piped Viper or a black RX-1, you pick the time and the place and we'll see what that kitty can do. If your lucky enough to get by me, then I know Randy wont have a problem playing with ya. But 1st I don't think you can get by me, I am in Trout Lk almost every weekend, so just look me up. You cant miss my sled because it's the one with the blue yami flames on it........... :D

:arrow: BRING IT BABY!
I see someone had some time off from work due to a lack of power down state..... You should have drove up & done the river trip w/us.
OneBadCat...... That is some funny $hit!
opps busted!!!

ahhh... bushman i see you are alive and well...sorry we missed the trip...dang i thought all these sledheads would have some heavy duty... smack for my dreamin and sceamin triple black heartattack kat.....
OneBadApple opps thats CAT.....
hehe awe come now srx600 you just know you have some "cheetah print" seat envy goin on there!!!! :D now how did your song go... blue ewwe ewwe ewe ewe oh so lonesome without you.....:D please onebadcat let me catch you ewe ewe !!!
wow !!!!!!!

Onebadcat, rumor has it you don't even own a sled !!!! for a guy who is doing all this jawjacking about cats, GO BUY ONE.................
then me and your brother inlaw will have all kinds of fun kickin that
PUTTY TAT around the trails, oh I'm sorry, i forgot that you'll be so far behind us that we wont be able to kick it around. Maybe at the stop sign's when we are waiting for ya to catch up we can have some fun.........
lol............. Randy tell this guy to buy a cat, PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
tisk tisk tisk....

yall know what they say about rumors......
:D ok 10,000+ for a "pumped up yaminator".....
3000 for a sweet cheetah seat....
the look on the brother in laws face when the bad one beats him out the garage!!!....PRICELESS...hehehehe
have no fear fellas i own a yamaha slowtoh 4 350......ahhhh but im just havin flashbacks from that 250 SUZUKI powered machine smokin my arse!!!!!!

Dude, YOU GOT S*#T GOING ON !!!!! :D
I can not believe your brother inlaw is letting you get away with this. :(
I have a question though about the 10,000+for a pumped up yaminator ? what did you mean by this ? because to date I only have $6500.00 into my (BLACK BEAUTY) :P
Just come up to G.M. with whatever you want to bring and Im sure we can
acomadate your appetite.

Oh yeah,,,,,,

ewe looky jimbob puffin up :D
Im just playin with yall seemed atad bit borin when i checked out the site last week and just figured i'd fire you boyz up... and dang hehe didn't yah think i went alittle steep for the cheetah seat also i mean come on bro 3000.00 LOL
oh have a good day EH
jaminator I WILL BE BACK"
ps do they rent the old evinrudes up in GM....now there is a classic ride eh????LOL...
Yup, OBP OneBadPussy is my Bro-inlaw giving me some chit, I shold not say anything about him being a Mattews owning, nonshooting so he had to buy a Hoty to compete with his Bro-inlaw kind of guy :D

But on the other hand if he is wanting to get off a pile of cash, I would pickup a Cheetah print thong so he could wear while riding the Powder Thrasher of DOOM :arrow: LMAO
