Starting Up after rebuild???


New member
Jan 17, 2006
Glenwood Minnesota
Should I do anything special like put oil into the gas for the first startup after I just rebuilt my viper to seat the ring or what??? :2strokes:
i always mix oil with gas for the first tank, 100:1 works fine. Cheap insurance and extra lube for the first tank. Make sure the sled is using oil out of the reservoir as well, no reason it shouldn't if you didn't pull any oil lines off but just make sure.

That's kinda what I figured, Thank's I just have to put the new shocks on and bleed the antifreeze on it and I'm up and running (fingers crossed).
i would not not add oil to the gas , just my opion , when you fire it up , sit there and pull the oil pump cable so it opens full bore, hold it there for awhile let it go , pull the cable again you get what im saying , i did that then tore the motor down and there was plenty of oil everywhere , ...just my .02 ..cant hurt to add oil to gas , i think you get more oil to where it needs to go by holding open the oil pump while its running .....
I always premix the first tank 50:1 and make sure that the oil level is dropping in the reservoir, damned cheap insurance to make sure that it's hooked up properly and has all the air bubbles bled out of it.

I've seen to many motors not survive there break in because of oil pump not being set-up properly.

as far as break in procedure, I side with the hard break, but that's a real controversial subject that everyone should make there own decisions on.
Junior said:
I always premix the first tank 50:1 and make sure that the oil level is dropping in the reservoir, damned cheap insurance to make sure that it's hooked up properly and has all the air bubbles bled out of it.

I've seen to many motors not survive there break in because of oil pump not being set-up properly.

as far as break in procedure, I side with the hard break, but that's a real controversial subject that everyone should make there own decisions on.
I agree with the 50:1 but I would use petroleum base for the first tank. Seats the rings earlier.
