78 exciter 440 being parted out


New member
Oct 11, 2005
Youngstown OH
UPDATE; I still have a lot of parts available, some of which are on ebay. Search exploder440 on ebay or e mail me if you are interested....my e mail is listed below, thanks jeff unfortunately i have not been able to sell this nice piece of vintage sled history. but because i cant sell it i am now parting it out. If anyone needs any parts off of this sled let me know. my e mail is maxx0770@yahoo.com, thanks jeff :die: :die: :die:
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i have pics but they are too big if anyone wants some e mail me your e mail address and ill send you some pics. i would hate to part it out but if i have to i will. thanks jeff
A lot of my parts are currently on ebay. seller name exploder440. search them the reserve is only 2.50 on all items
ill see what i can do being that you are a totallyamaha member. i have never shipped to canada before, so i dont know how much more it will cost.
ive still got; rear skid, tunnel, bulkhead, gas tank w/ good cap and tie down strap, handlebars w/ controls, perfect tool box, secondary clutch, drive cogs and shaft, chain case, brake assembly goes with handlebars, skis and steering components, both guages w/ cables and cowl, hood (some damage), fan shroud off of motor, orig blue yamaha choke cable and lever, ignition w/ 3 keys, several small plastic pieces, and probably some other stuff too. Im cleaning up and not asking mutch for anything. e mail me at maxx0770@yahoo.com
