Suspension set up for best launch


VIP Member
Nov 12, 2004
Clear Lake, IA
I just got my revalved shocks on my viper from Pioneer, and next week I'm riding with 9 ski doos in WI, all of which want to race me if we get a nice open lake. I'm normally indifferent to brands and not very loyal but this time is different, I really want to win!

I normally like the sled to handle on rails and use very little transfer but last year I lost to a rev 600HO because I had zero traction, bad start, not enough lake to pass, etc. This year I have 192 new studs, the shock revalve, and a little more snap from a tempaflow.

I have the sled set up to PP's reccomendation from the shock revalve which is limit straps at 1". I do have hand adjustable control rod nuts but would rather not get off my sled and adjust them in front of everyone.

What would be your reccomendation for a good trail set up that launches hard? Thanks :yam:

I just measured my control rod gap and its 50/50 right now, I may but them as low as I can and see how that works, hopefully it won't pull the skis to far off the ground coming out of a corner!
If you want a killer hole shot what I did was cut about a 1/2 inch off the brackets that hold the controll rods.
Now when it is on full transfer it will pull the skis off the ground on command.
