Do I need more transfer?


Nov 19, 2003
Glenville New York we go..2002 srx, 192 piks and chiesles..transfer rods maxed out for full transfer, limiter straps all the way out..shock on soft setting...I weight around 240 in my rider gear..Ok now heres whats happening....On the lake there is a drag strip and I race whenever I can (race for fun) When I leave the line it seems to hookup ok, it will pull the skis about 5 or 6 inches off the ground for about 10 feet then it seems to loose traction, the skis come back down and the track spins for about another 10 or so feet then it hooks up again and then its ok. Now what do you guys think is happening?..I have the stock track on it, I am not sure how to solve this, should I loosen the rear shock and tighten the front one?....Any suggestions?.......Thanks again for a great site!!......... :rocks:

you most likely don't have enough traction, mixing picks and chisels doesn't work, they penetrate at different rates and the chisels are probably keeping the picks from doing there job, an SRX hooking up as you described is usually not a problem, I have 192 picks and weigh about the same and once it hooks its hooked and carries the skis
I weigh about 250 and when my sled hooks its gone so im not sure what your prob is most likely what he said picks chisels not working together
800 said:
you most likely don't have enough traction, mixing picks and chisels doesn't work, they penetrate at different rates and the chisels are probably keeping the picks from doing there job, an SRX hooking up as you described is usually not a problem, I have 192 picks and weigh about the same and once it hooks its hooked and carries the skis
Well I thought the same thing myself, but wanted to hear more input about it...I was at a snowmoblie show last year and the guys at studboy told me to use them both, but I see its not working right...OK guys thanks for the help!
