I'm looking for a 78 SSR for sale. 

ME TOO.... did you see the last one on ebay? over $15,000
That's about the high end of what they are worth. I allways wanted one and I figure I better spring for one now. Later will be to late. Or I should say out of reach. Did you locate any? Good luck. Dean-o
I need to start picking away at my stable. I would love to have a 74GPX; 76-78SRX; then the SSR. My SR rebuild broke the bank for this next year, but if I'm in the right place at the right time!!!
Cant rember all the details at this time, but the guy who is reproducing the late 70's Polaris RXL's has the SSR Bulk head. Wants to start reproducing them as well if he can get commitments for them
Cant rember all the details at this time, but the guy who is reproducing the late 70's Polaris RXL's has the SSR Bulk head. Wants to start reproducing them as well if he can get commitments for them
I have contact information on the guy building the RXL bulk heads. he is also doing the skidoo "birdcage" snowpro this summer. If he can get a ssr to measure up - he'll be happy to do it.