2000 700 SRX wants choke on to run


New member
Jan 9, 2005
Hartford, WI
I'm new to Yamaha sleds and I have a stock, 2000 700 SRX with 1500 miles and the first time I took it out this season (today) it didn't want to run unless I had the choke on even after it was warmed up. I put a new set of plugs in and that didn't make any difference. I drained the carbs last spring before I put it away so they should be clean. Are there any common problems with fuel delivery (fuel pump, etc) on this model.

Any thoughts?
You might want to check out the carbs... dunno if it`s been mentioned before I didn`t bother to read the other replys.

shortstop20 said:
I'm telling ya it's the carbs, these guys don't believe me. :ORC :o|

:Moon: :Moon:

That's because your idea isn't relevant. Anyone will tell you your idea wont work, and obviously the carbs need to be cleaned instead. Don't know where you got your theory from.
wow I cant beleive what people are saying...all these diferent ideas.
I would not tell a lie. Start by cleaning the carbs and disregard all other advice here.
I don't think it's the carbs, I think it's the left carb, or was it the center carb, or maybe the right carb, anyway check the carb and see what you find.
A 2000 srx with only 1500 miles, that sled has either done a lot of sitting or a lot of 660' runs. Either way I would start by cleaning the carbs. Can I get a what? what?
cacsrx1 said:
Dont listen to Shortstop he cant find the carbs.

The carbs are in the gas tank......how else would they get gas!! :Moon:

I know the carbs on my Pro-X pretty good already....I've had them apart probably 7-8 times testing different jetting for around home and in the Hills. Ran perfect last weekend in the Hills with 410's.

I've been using 460's when riding around home. I'm going to try 440's next. Still baffles my mind why the guy that I bought the sled from was using 500 mains. :o| :o| At least I'm getting 10.5 mpg now instead of 7.5! :o| I sure do miss the gas mileage of my SRX.
shortstop20 said:
The carbs are in the gas tank......how else would they get gas!! :Moon:

I know the carbs on my Pro-X pretty good already....I've had them apart probably 7-8 times testing different jetting for around home and in the Hills. Ran perfect last weekend in the Hills with 410's.

I've been using 460's when riding around home. I'm going to try 440's next. Still baffles my mind why the guy that I bought the sled from was using 500 mains. :o| :o| At least I'm getting 10.5 mpg now instead of 7.5! :o| I sure do miss the gas mileage of my SRX.

That's about all you will get with that engine. I have my buddie's ProX2 800 as lean as i want it and still trust that grenade. I have it clutched with heavy hitters and he gets 11 being VERY nice to it.
