Viper Snowflap!!!


New member
Dec 12, 2005
Vermont, where we don't get enough snow...
I have the m-10 with the 9830 track on it, with 192 studs... when we ride with other people, they don't stop complaining about the amount of junk that is thrown up by my sled, right now i have a mountain flap on it, but there is still an extra 2 inchs until the ground, any idea where i could find possibly find a race flap, but one with out the skidoo/polaris/arctic cat design on it... any imput would be great. :rocks:
If you find a longer one, and need a good home for your old one, my son just "lost" mine...
i'll have to go measure mine, it might be shorter then 16, when i bought this mountain flap niether the vector or apex was out, so it may be shorter, zulatr do you need a mountain flap or one that goes on a proaction susp, because i have the old black one that went on the sled before i bought the mountain flap, lemme know if you need that one.
BoRnWiThBlUeBlOoD said:
do you have an m-10 in your sled?

stock skid, but I put a red flap on it and the dealer ordered the 16 inch by mistake and I took it anyway - with me on the sled and weight transferred when accel it is just about dragging on the ground. Should be plenty long even with m-10.
BoRnWiThBlUeBlOoD said:
just went out and measured my mountain flap, its just about 16 inchs, 15.5 to be exact. I think im gonna have to find like some 1/4 inch rubber that i could drill some holes in and rivot on there. the kind of rubber like on the 440 race sleds.

Or a piece of 1/8 aluminum as wide as the tunnel and as tall as you need to drop the flap.......
