Where does the water pump hose on Viper's connect


VIP Member
Nov 10, 2005
Ottawa Ontario
Hi guys i need your help, on the Viper's water pump where does the hose connect? is it to the bottom of the thermostat?

It goes.....

I think to one of the outputs on the front heat exchanger. I believe the lower one that points straight forward. The hose has a spring inside to keep it from collapsing. The other front heat exchanger hook up right there close goes up to the overflow bottle. The final one (under the primary) goes to the left running board cooler.......but I'm sure you already knew that. Good luck.


Are you the guy trying to put a Viper motor in an SRX? If so, the front heat exchangers are completely different and you will need to either change it or start cutting and welding!!! SRX heat exchanger has two hook ups on it.....viper has three.

Thanks MADMATT i have been working with BETHEVIPER ( He's been a lot of help) this morning and i think he has steered me in the right direction. I have the cooling system working in reverse and tonight we are going to try swapping a couple of connections and test. I kepp evrybody posted on the outcome.
