
Tempaflow is a carburetor compensator, it leans out the mixture from 1/4 to full throttle by creating a slight vacuum in the float bowls. The vacuum is controled buy a material that expands as it gets warmer. This changes the amount of air that is allowed to pass by a small orifice within the tempaflow. More air past the orifice, creates more vacuum on the floatbowls. Vacuum in the bowls leans the fuel mixture when it's warmer outside, keeping your fuel mixture were it needs to be for a complete burn. This improves emissions, power, and mileage.
Basically it's the same idea as ski-doo's DPM, but is not electronically controlled. It's better than a dial-a-jet because it also compensates for part throttle mixture, as the dial-a-jet only changes 3/4 too full throttle mixture.
Tempaflow, is in my opinion, one of the best things you can do to your sled for consistant performance.
^^^^ what tripple x said WITH THE CAVEAT being you take the time to set it up properly, error on the side of caution, check your plug wash freq in every cyl, and slow make adjustments. I installed one this year and absoutly love it.

Some real experts on here will say its not a good mod though so keep that in mind, that is always going through the back of my mind so I'm VERY cautious when making adjustments.
I've had great luck with mine for over 6,000 miles, 3,000 of them were piped. Very consistent plugs and wash, better mileage, and consistent performance. One thing those tempa flow's dont like though is when you flip the sled up on its side. Sometimes the vent/vacuum lines get fuel in them then it is a real bear to start.
Variflow is a good alternative to the tempaflow, if you want to adjust manually. We installed one on my son's sled this year, and it definitely helped him get his money's worth from the pipe and clutch kit.
I personally dont think you can get the full benefit of the vari-flow without egt's. Too much guesswork without them. And the tempaflow rocks because it automatically adjusts for temp changes, also has adjustability.
yamaholic22 said:
I personally dont think you can get the full benefit of the vari-flow without egt's. Too much guesswork without them. And the tempaflow rocks because it automatically adjusts for temp changes, also has adjustability.

I went with variflow as i didn't want to deal with the issue of burning down right after a stop. The adjustability gave us the ability to run it a little richer if we weren't sure. compared to changing jets every trip or during a trip, this is a 1000% improvement. If it was on my sled it would be a tempaflow.
yup both systems are great tools if you understand them and take the time to set them up correctly and pay attention to what the engine is telling you.
On these Tempa-Flows, if your looking at the dot, if you turn that screw left or right, what way riches or leans the sled out? I have got one on my 04 ViperS and have had it on there for 6500 miles and it has worked flawlessly! It is set up and I have not touched it since it was put on, had not one problem with it so far!
rob, when you are looking at the dot and it is at the 12 oclock position... left= lean, right= rich.

22, when you flip the sled on it side and it is hard to start, pull the smallest hose hooked to the tempa flow body and blow into it. this will blow the fuel in the lines back in the carbs. reconnect and you are good to go. probably what is wrong is you have the vent lines still under the carbs and when the sled tips it fills the lines. re route the vents so they all go up and over the carbs then group them together at the top and hook them to the flow body. no more fuel in lines. been there done that.

hope this helps both of you. ski
