Light weight front end parts

pioneer performance
maxximum performance
holtz racing
mountain performance

I would go chromoly, aluminum bends too easy.
actually there's certain aluminum alloys that are stiffer than chromoly, but I don't know if anyone is useing them to make front0end bits with or not, as they're obviosly a REAL bastard to work with.
Junior said:
actually there's certain aluminum alloys that are stiffer than chromoly,

isn't that the problem with aluminum? stiff = brittle chromoly altho heavier will give a bit more before it will crack. At least that is the deal with bike frames...
ya, but like 7075T7 aluminum for example,with proper heat treatment. has a yield strength of around 90,000psi. now chromoly has a yield strength of about 75000psi, and a shear stength about 10,000 psi higher.

Now the aluminums shear point is almost immediatly after it's yield point, but you can see that the chromoly has already sheared before the aluminum yields. so anything you hit with a 7075 aluminum frontend (heat treated properly, I can't stress this enough) that breaks it, would have also broken the CM front-end.

the difference is that the CM one will have a larger "damage" zone, where it'll bend into a pretzel, but won't shear.
even if the strength is the same, the aluminum is much more likely to fatigue, espically around the welds. (although chrome moly isnt the greatest to weld either!)
For what it is worth, the CB aluminum trailing arms will take any abuse you can throw at them. I abused the he!! out of mine this weekend, and they look like new yet. They know what they are doing. Alot of guys have ruined other cheaper alum stuff. You won't ruin these. Maxdlx
I'm not going to get in apissing match.People have bent their cb performance aluminum traling arm's before.I also bent my cb peforemance a-arm's jumping up in munising on the ty ride and no my gyt shock's where not bottoming someone has a video of us jumping.
I myself have seen more of CB's trailing arms than anyone on this board, they have been made for near 20yrs. They were sold by a local performance co. but manufactured by CB. I've seen them broken and bent, all in cross country racing applications, none, none, in everyday use. Even if you are a trail beater. In this neighborhood, you'll be out on the lakes, pull up to the Bar and see some old ratted out POS parked out front with that front end on it, still in one piece. ALL trailing arms can bend, especially stock steel ones, I've bent them runnin through the woods and hit nothing but bumps, so whats the point.

If you're jumping your sled, you're gonna bend something, steel or aluminum, I know we all don't believe this but snowmobiles were not designed to fly. GYT shocks do not keep a sled from bottoming, no shock does, unless maybe you have them custom valved for sno-cross applications, but those bend and break and get rebuilt every weekend. The GYT's benefit is adjustability, and they still have rubber bump stops for bottoming.
x2ryder said:
Who all makes light weight front end parts? Besides CB Performance? Thanks
I would go with the CB PERFORMANCE set up. They stand by all there parts!!!
The weld on my mountain performance cromolly trailing arms came loose on the Manitoba ride. Just glad it didnt happen doin 90 mph on the lake
pro116 said:
That's funny they didn't stand by their a-arm's


We at CB Performance have and always will stand behind our product and if customers need help, we bend over backwards to assist them. However, products that have been abused by any manufacture would not be covered. You and I both know that we offered to send you replacment lower arms at cost, even though they were abused.

Also, these people who have "bent their trailing arms", please have them call us because we have not heard from them.

pro116 said:
That's funny they didn't stand by their a-arm's
Well I can say is our problem was handled with no problem !!!!!! These are standup guys that stand behind there product. They do'nt sell junk,if you abuse anything your going to break it!!
sorry I didn't feel like buying new lower a-arm's to have them bend again I will leave it at that.Just posting my result's.
If you buy a new sled and bend the factory parts, would Yamaha offer you parts at cost. Nope, they would say it was rider abuse. So seems to me it was a fair offer. Maxdlx
The guys at cb will do anything it takes to make you happy, they work with you through the install and any problems you encounter thereafter. Best aftermarket company out there in my opinion. I've been very hard on my whole setup (jumping too) and the components still look like new. After 600 miles I checked my alignment and everything was STILL spot on, never budged a centimeter.
