Need Big Time Help On This

Harry Balzonya

New member
Nov 12, 2004
corner brook,nf canada
not sure what to call it but i was out for a ride tonight and i noticed when i change from low beam to high beam the instument pannel blacks out and the rpm needle goes up and down and then the high beam comes on it also happens when i apply the brake and at the same time the headlight dims. I know this is a wring problem but is there anything i should look for first, i need to get this looked at fast because im selling the sled.

thanks in advance

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unplug everythig from the hood(take a ic so you cant possibly make a mistake) andpull the entire harness out from under the engine. clean any gunk off, and inspect. looking for any unusual scapes or chafing. wouldn't just tape up the bad spot but use a heat shrinkable splice then cover with wire loom. tape the loom every 6 inches or so, so the wires cant pop out.
Good advice, brothers Viper had the same type of problem, the wiring harness that runs underneath the motor on Vipers likes to wear through on the right rear motormount (from sitting on the sled).
i had a very simalar problem with my 02 viper, after i checked out everything it turned out to be the evil stater. just thought i would throw in my 2 bits.
im not sure but i though i seen a tread here awhile back on this, i cant seem to find it prety sure it had pics or something like that does anyone have a link to another good thread on this i cant find anything or does anyone have any pics. It was about the wiring under the motor but i dont want to go into that unless im 100% sure and i know what im doing from begining to end.

Again guys thanks alot for the help on this guys

yup almost definately the main wiring harness where it runs by the mag side rear motor mount. Wires rub through and ground out, causing erratic behavior. Unhook them from the hood, tie a string to them, pull them most of the way out, making sure there is enough string left to pull them back through. Do your fix, run them back through and hook them up.
it funny u say that

the guy that was buying it backed out.
He said the gov. screwed him over on 3000 dollars so hes got to pay it back ( i think hes lying though) my personal thoughts on this is he cant put his money where his mouth is.

So its up for sale again.
except this time im throwing in a brand new extra track with it(bought off hooked on blue) ty member

$6500 canadian
general service twice a year
7000 klms
mbrp can, bunch of other extra stuff.
Nope there wasnt a problem anywhere on that wire under the motor right up to the back of the spedometer housing.

The engine idles fine and runs fine its just whn i change from low to high beam and some times when i aply the brake.

is there anything else i can check

i dont think its anything serious, but want to fix though very anoying and dont help when ur trying to sell it

i have a guy coming over tonight to take a look at it and take it for a ride.
with this problem the sell dont look very promising

I have the same problem , wire harness is perfect, I think it's the stator or possibly the voltage regulator relating to the headlights etc. '03 Viper by the way.
Only two spots I know of are the motor mount which you checked, and the rear brake light wire under the seat, also pull the lens off the rear tailgiht and see if there connection between the bulb and socket is not causing funny things to happen.
could be headlight relay, could be a short under the seat or in the taillight housing, have seen all three cause behavior similar. Did your relays ever get wet by chance? Maybe first try taking them off and bringing them inside for a few days to let them dry out.
this may seem like a stupid question but what is headlight relay

i noticed that when i took off the outer coating around the wires up by the hood they where a bit wet.

tomorrow im gonna check from the tail light all the wires conecting and same for headlight.

thanks guys

well let u know what happens.
The relay is above the left foot rest behind the plastic. The CDI is the big box, and above that there are the relays. Left one is the lighting relay, right one is the main. Hope this helps.
