wiseco vs yamaha pistons for 97 VMAX 600


New member
Jun 13, 2003
Kirkland, WA
I am rebuilding my 97 600 VMAX twin and wondering if the cost difference for the updated Yamaha pistons & rings are worth it. This sled is used by my wife or friends and doesn't see more than 500 miles or so per season. The Wiseco pistons and rings are at least $100+ cheaper.
I need to buy the pistons before I send the cylinders in to be re-chromed.

b 1,

Go with the Wiseco kit. I replaced the pistons in my 600 and the kit is the way to go. Comes with the rings, pins, clips and the head gasket is already thinner to bump the compression up, thus waking the 600 up when compared to the stock gasket. Have over 1000 trouble free miles on them and no problem. The cylinders are Nickasil not chrome and if they are that bad need to be sent to someone who can re-line them.

Good luck Pat 8)
My opinion, but if you are the type of guy who wants ol reliable that you pull and go, then I would stick with the OEM Yammie pistons. If you really want the extra power, then go Weisco, but IMHO they have a greater chance of seizure. I was told you have to be very careful of piston to wall clearances when using them. I stuck with the Yammie pistons on my exciter and never had another problem. I only had to replace one piston and one Yam piston was the same $$ as 2 Weisco's, so it made my choice easier.
the weiscos are forged, so they will expand more than the stock pistons, but this isn't a big deal becaus the are smaller than stockers
My brother put weisco piston kits in both of his 97's and had no trouble. I really can't see no trouble with it. Just my two cents
:roll: I just went through the same thing with my 98. I had a ton of miles on the originals and only changed them because the piston clearance was getting too high (.012). Just rattled a bit (ok, a lot). Got the cylinders re-nicasiled and payed the extra for the OEM parts, mostly because the originals worked very well. And like mentioned earlier, use the thinner head gasket.
