belt arrow direction?


New member
Nov 22, 2005
West Michigan
I bought a new belt for my 01 srx and it is a yamaha belt it has directional arrows on belt,do they go towards the front of sled(as is the way the sled moves?) Just asking because the one I took off the arrows were pointing back to the secondary...
yes pointing forward, so you olso can read yamaha from where you stan when changing the belt!!
slikRsrx said:
Thanks I thought so, does that make a difference on performance at all?
It really does not make a differance, as long as you repeatably run the that particular belt in the same fashion.

If it is on backwards to begin with when new then always run that belt backwards.

But to anwer your question, Yes - the arrows face forward in the direction of both sled travel as well as belt travel, or as Powerpack mentioned so you can read the lettering, if you use this rule even with aftermarket belts that are not listed as "directional" you will be all set. It is more for consistancy to elininate people from flop floppin them as you have witnessed and premature failure.
