Intermittent warning light blinking

erik b

VIP Member
Mar 26, 2005
03 Mtn. Viper, new motor this season, SLP triple pipes, was out of the chassis, wrapped lower engine wiring in plastic loom after checking for chafing when the motor was out.

Chasing some intermittent blinking of the self diagnosis light.

Sometimes low speed blinks 3 or 4 times in short succession then nothing, can't see quick enough to see if the temp or service engine icons are also blinking. (to quick)

Quick fully pinned short pull same effect slow down to look at the gauge and stops blinking.

One time about 5 seconds of quick blinking and engine icon (should be PVs(?))

Rear cooler gets hot so and I haven't seen the temp blink unless thats whats going on the WFO pulls, but it quits before I can check for an the icon.

Never got a real good count on blinks cause when I slowed down to focus on that it would stop.
Also bar warmers seem to have ceased functioning.
Will idle forever with no overheat indications.
Powervalve servo motor worked fine, both by wiring (ala tool) and by bringing the idle to less than 1k. Didn't check this ride first thing on the troubleshooting list now that it is thawed in the garage.

She runs good though

Thoughts, suggestions, feelings on the matter?? :rocks:
mine had moisture bbehind the glass(gauge pod) and would cause the diagnostic light to come on....wierd.....
Hand warmers

Mine had similar symptoms. It took me forever to actually count the flashes and track it down in the shop manual. The code wasn't even in the owners manual. Anyway, it ended up being a warning code for the heated grips malfunctioning.......and guess what, mine didn't work at the time either. I could shut the grips off and the warning light would not come on. In fact, I think my light only flashed when the grips were cranked. I changed the grips and it went away.

Hope this helps,
bolin22 said:
mine had moisture bbehind the glass(gauge pod) and would cause the diagnostic light to come on....wierd.....

Interesting, I've also got some moisture in the pod, making it very hard to see what icon is flashing, and apparently part of the problem.

mine had similar symptoms. It took me forever to actually count the flashes and track it down in the shop manual. The code wasn't even in the owners manual. Anyway, it ended up being a warning code for the heated grips malfunctioning.......and guess what, mine didn't work at the time either. I could shut the grips off and the warning light would not come on. In fact, I think my light only flashed when the grips were cranked. I changed the grips and it went away.

I'll give her a run with the grips off and see what happens.

Thanks guys :rocks:
