Read this


New member
Feb 13, 2004
I got this from another board I vist... Made me sick!!!

I recieve these alert messages periodically from the MSA via email. Here is the Kerry/Edwards view on snowmobiling. Like this comes as a surprise though:

To All-
In case you were wondering where the Kerry/Edwards team stands on
snowmobiling, the following comes from Ed Klim of the International
Snowmobile Manufacturers Association:

>Following the Democratic National Convention, the Democratic Party
>published "The Kerry-Edwards Vision for A Cleaner Environment, A
>Stronger Economy and Healthier Communities".
>On page 8 of this "Vision", the following information is contained and I
>quote it verbatim: "PROTECT OUR FORESTS - In addition, the
>Kerry-Edwards "Conservation Covenant" will end the logging of rare
>old growth trees on our public lands. These public resources will be
>protected in the
>Kerry-Edwards administration. Honor the Solitude and Beauty of
>Wilderness Areas and Our National Parks by Keeping Snowmobiles and Jet
>Skis Out of Yellowstone and Other Sensitive Areas, and by Honestly
>Addressing Visitor and Wildlife Needs in Our National Parks. John Kerry
>will reinstate the Clinton administration's phase-out of noisy and
>polluting snowmobiles, which have been overrunning some of our most
>precious national lands, including Yellowstone Nation Park and Grand
>Teton National Park. While snowmobiles, jet skis and all terrain
>vehicles have their place, they do not mix with sensitive wildlife
>resources and our nation's treasured wild places."

Lest you think that Senator Kerry is completely opposed to motorized
recreation, please note that he does enjoy cruising off the shores of
Nantucket on his 42' Maine-made Hinckley motor yacht "Scaramouche."
According to the Hinckley brochure, the "Scaramouche" can cruise up
to 305 miles on only 410 gallons of diesel fuel.....


did you know that the sierra club uses its donations to pay people to protest half the protesters are actually prostaters because they are paid to be there :o| I personally will always vote nra, motorsports, and defense kerry is none of these. :ORC
