2000 SRX wander/darting


New member
Dec 12, 2005
Hey everyone,
This past weekend was the first time that I got to use my "new" 2000 SRX. One thing that I did notice while riding in the trails was that the sled was darting/wandering all over the place often. Is that a comon plroblem with the 2000 SRX's? I think the snow conditions might have played a role in it, but I am not sure. There was not that much snow, but is was surely rideable; could that have been the cause? Also what type/brand of carbides are best for the SRX? I was looking in the Dennis Kirk catalog, and they had dual carbides, that claim to stop all darting, any feedback on those (they were made by Woddy's). So do you think that there is anything wrong with the sled? I am not sure as to the condition of the carbides.

Thank you,

do you have an old belt? I have cut belts into about 2 in. strips and stuck them under the back of the ski's. it's the same concept as the link above.
