Wanted Mod Gpx

that sled has a snopro srx hood stock motor w/open pipes and 38s

Hahaha!! Damn, you're right! It would work good but not as good as it could be for sure. The pipes kind of look like the 77 SRX pipes that came with my sled but not quite. 38mm carbs is as big as i'm going on a F/A motor but I wouldn't think if they were any kind of mod pipes that they would work that well with stock porting.
check out this mod gpx motor on ebay 7233313039
has anyone ever seen something like this
I wonder if it runs good and how much HP
That GPX ebay motor \\37233313039 is a buddy of mines. I was looking at picking it up form him last month. But just cant pull the financial trigger on any new big projects at this point.
He is a great guy to deal with, Let me know if your serious and I can pass you his contact information. Dammmmmm, now I wish I would have bought it!
Sure it will go for a hell of a lot more than what he offered it to me for
