Need Help


New member
May 28, 2003
Ontario Canada
I'm wondering if someone can help me out.

I'm putting my wifes/kids 98 500 Vmax back together, I've been procrastinating but it doesn't really matter when you can't ride it anyway.

I'm putting the axle, jackshaft and chaincase back together and noticed something. The steel collars (the ones the seals ride on) that go on the front drive axle and the jackshaft where they go into the chaincase are exactly the same. The microfiche lists two different part numbers. The same ones are listed on everything from this sled, to a Viper, to an SRX. Does anyone have these laying around that could measure them for me? I'd like to know if yours are different and what the dimensions are if possible.

I tried two area dealers and they don't stock them. I'd like to find out if one is the incorrect part and replace it. If worst comes to worst I can just order both of them.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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they are the same but if you look at the rubber o ring inside the bushing one is centred and the other is closer to the end, that one goes on the bottom shaft , seal closer to the gear.
Thanks for the replys. Mine have the o-ring in the same spot.

Found something interesting in my Viper service manual, It referrs to them as C1 and C2. "Be sure and install the spacers in their original positions, otherwise the brake disc and jackshaft will stick."

I wonder whats up with that? The collars are number 31 & 33, the prices are slighty different too.

The top seal is also different, I think it's a high temp seal.


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i have a couple in my toolbox if you need a measurement but i dont think there is a differance.they mite be taking about the spacers behind the gears they will bind the chain if put in wrong.
My scanner went for a shit or else I'd scan the manual and post it. It's on the page that shows a cutaway of the assembled chaincase with the greasing points. The jackshaft collar is marked C1 and the axle collar C2, then there is the side note.
Just figured it out......simple once I saw it.

The service manual also shows .012" of free play in the brake disc. This got me thinking. I went and had another look at the collars. The collar for the axle has a pretty good internal chamfer and the one for the jackshaft has no internal chamfer. If the one with the chamfer were put on top it would take away the free play in the brake disc. Basically the step in the jackshaft is very slight and the collar that is chamfered would slide on just a bit further due to the internal chamfer. Learn something new every day.

Thanks for you help.
