inviter pumping oil?

Millinocket Rocket

New member
Mar 25, 2005
Sebago Lake, Maine
not sure if i'm considered vintage or not, but i just picked up a '90 inviter and was going through it, cleaned and readjusted the carb, put it back together and fired it up. runs much better now that i put the air screw back to 1-1/8 turns out(was 3-1/2 turns out!) the thing that made me nervous is that it doesn't smoke-- barely at all. seems like just gasoline smoke and no oil. my question is, how can i tell if the oil pump is working properly. the cable seems to be fine and working properly. the oil line is full right at the carb, and i tried taking the line off and running the electric starter while watching to see if any oil came out and no oil came out. wasn't sure if compression helped pull oil from the line or should it just come running out?? any help greatly appreciated-- thanks, M-R

try pulling on the cable so that the oil pump goes wot at an idle and hold it. if it is working properly it should fowl the plugs and die within a 10 min period of time. ckeck or change the oil filter too if it has one before you try this. you will need an empty container cause the oil should come pouring out fairly quickly from the bottle.
thanks for the reply--- i did try that with the cable, but i didn't do it that long-- maybe a minute and it smoked a little. i'll try it longer and check the oil filter too. i'll have to bleed the lines after and make sure no air is in them--thanks
