A few pictures from this years last ride?.


New member
Jan 16, 2005
Hi guys !

The last couple of days the snow has been melting like hell, and today`s ride was probably our last for this year. Two of my friends has already trailered their sleds home. But, I`m hoping to take another little ride tomorrow.

Anyway, here are some pics from todays ride.


Before we took off.. as the snow melts we have to park further and further away from our houses.. .



Gees, mud doesn`t give the best traction... my friend with the Vector MTN had to tow us up this hill.. . Notice the mud on my friends V-Max 4.. nice roost from my SRX.


Gees.. the V-Max 4 suddenly ran on two cylinders.. my friend stopped the engine and when he tried to pull start it the engine was locked up. Pulled the plugs, plug from cyl nr.2 had a metallic debris on it, first Yamaha ever to burn down in our "gang". Had to tow it down.. really sucks.


Poor V-Max 4..


View from where we "camped".


It may be hard to see the tracks, but this hill was damn steep, really fun, I did the highest climb here, but my friend with the Vector normally climbs higher then me, I`m not that gutsy hehe.


Well that`s all.

I`m hoping to take a last ride tomorrow, but the snow is melting like "#¤.

Nice photos!! Where are the helmets??? You only get one head so ride safe. We don't need you getting hurt.
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Awsome pics dude!

Poor V-max4, my thoughts exactly

And yes, I can see that hill and thats preety darn steep.

Your SRX must have just hummed up that hill no problem, Id liek to come try that over in Norway in the middle of April
Hi guys! Thanks for the replies!

Nytro: Many people ask why we don`t wear helmets, I really don`t know why, it just isn`t "normal" here in Norway, since the beginning it`s been a trend to wear huge "fur" hats with long ears hanging down on the side. But, more and more people have started to wear helmets, I normally do, but my helmet is kind of "tight" on my head, so it really hurts to take it off, hehe, and I often stop to take pictures and with a DSLR camera you have to look through the viewfinder to see what you are taking a picture of, so if you see what I mean.. . However, I know it`s stupid not to wear a helmet.Y

Yeah it was really sad. My friend just a whole lot of $ on the rear skid, replaced all bearings and some running wheels, not to mention the new Fingertrack 57mm track he bought, so I guess he`s somewhat broke. However, I`m glad it happened at the end of the season, infact on the last ride anyway, would have been worse if it happened on the first ride in the next season:).

The hill was is of steep yes, you are "%¤#& if you don`t turn around in time, if don`t have enough speed then you`ll roll down while trying to turn, if you see what I mean.
Gees, yesterdays ride was infact our last ride, it`s +9,5C outside now so the little snow we had left has melted away now. Sucks.

Wellwell last year we took the last ride on 30th of April.. .

Today I put new graphics on my dirtbike and glued the rear fender, I also noticed that one of the fork seals liked, luckily I got new seals with the bike when I bought it so I guess it`s time to tear them down and replace the seals.

Wellwell have a nice weekend everybody:)
Everyone i know of use helmets hehe..

But very nice pics! You can go riding in the mountains, without getting caught by the police then? niice :D It aint easy where i live :(

And for the dirtbike part; i know all about reparing for the season!
A new crank is going in..

Nytro said:
Nice photos!! Where are the helmets??? Dude you only get one head ...

Thats not true, i get one head a day LOL you guys gotta stop leading me into this. Maxdlx
That's pretty cool how all the guys in your group ride Yamaha! Love to see that! Nie looking sleds, old to new.

Looks like some incredible scenery as well, and you're lucky to have snow that late!

Great pics!
What locked up that Vmax4? Jetting too low or something else? That is too bad....

Great pics and scenery! Where in Norway are you? I´m about 130 km´s north from the arctic circle here in Finland and we have still lots of snow. I guess that ocean right beside you melts the snow fast.

Thanks for the replies guys!.

akrievins: I don`t why but for some reason all of us that livs on the south side of our island rides Yamaha`s, on the other side they ride mostly Lynx and a few Doo`s. It`s kind of funny when grown up people act like children;). I guess I would be just as amazed by the scenery you have down in US, it depends on what you are used to:).

Ike: Hello fellow European! hehe. We don`t know what happened with the V-Max. I think it was running hot. When I squeezed the radiator hoses just after it burned down, there was no fluid in them, but I guess all of the cyls should have been hot then.. . Gees I`m looking forward to wrench some sled in human-temperatures. Earlier this winter I split a V-Max 600 engine and it was cold as hell but it still was fun.

