
thanks for reply, I'm thinking of installing one just want to hear some feedback from those that have used one. tim
I used one in my 00 SRX, it worked just as described with no issues. I installed it inside the airbox and vented down behind the airbox.

You should consider air inlet filters, because my air intake on the tempaflow is pretty dirty. My dcs goes off if I hold WOT too long, things heat up under the hood and the tempaflow leans everything out, thats my theory anyway. If you don't go lakeracing much this is a great product when you are jetted properly. I'm going for a vari-flow next season so I can alter the fuel flow on the fly!
914rippy, got one i just took off my o1 srx. you can have it for $60 shipped. we could trade carb tops so all you would need to do is drill 3 holes in air box to run hoses thru and be done. worked great on srx but i took it off when i sold it. let me know if you can use it. ray
Haven't put one on the srx, but had one on the piped SX 700R for 6,500 miles with no issues, just great fuel economy and perfect plugs and piston wash after you take the time to set it up correctly.
THanks for feedback.. majority sounds positive, though will take lean condition and filters into consideration. rippy
