goiing down


New member
Jan 27, 2006
hey guys
2 of my friends put theyre sleds trough the ice this week. Well there getting them out next weekend and they want me to take them apart. Ive don lots of engine rebuilding mods and regular service but never taken on a project like this before. my plans are to tear the motors apart dry up and rebuild same goes for the chaincase. one is a 02 viper other is 01 sxr just wondering if there are any other things important besides engin and chaincase
thanks in advance
Pat :rocks:

gas tank/reservoirs, power valve servo running seat foam over with a truck and plywood. grease it all.

shoud pretty much cover it
xt700 said:
hey guys
2 of my friends put theyre sleds trough the ice this week. Well there getting them out next weekend and they want me to take them apart. Ive don lots of engine rebuilding mods and regular service but never taken on a project like this before. my plans are to tear the motors apart dry up and rebuild same goes for the chaincase. one is a 02 viper other is 01 sxr just wondering if there are any other things important besides engin and chaincase
thanks in advance
Pat :rocks:

Talk to timebomb, he just went through this...
Well there getting them out next weekend and they want me to take them apart

They are getting them out after how long? whats the laws like around u? cuase i know here if as soon as it goes in its a $500 fine and 500 for every day after that for truck car sled 4 wheeler anything. so if u go in ur get it out as soon as possible here befor anyone calls the EPOs or Staties.
not sure what the law is but hopefully not that much. not sure if they can get them this weekend maybe next.. it would really hurt if it was 500 a day thanks to all the info guys
Just because it went under water doesn't mean that u have 2 tear the engine down. Drain the water out of the engine, change the oil in the reservoir, change the gas, drain the carbs, remove the drive belt and then fire it up. If u do this within a couple of days of getting it out of the water the engine will be OK. Change the chaincase oil later. Grease job and try to dry out the seat, gauges etc. Binderdondat!
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