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Hello all, You have all heard about my projects this summer.... And the tunnel Powdercoating i dont think is gonna go threw, Just too pricey and fustrating. What i think im going to do is go to our Paintshop Or UAP and Ask for some Car paint ( gloss black).. The thing is, Im getting my Tunnel Extension Powdercoated Glossy black, and if i do my tunnel with a Glossy black CAR PAINT will there be a Noticeable difference in texture and look?? i dont want the sled to have 2 seperate looks yea kno??
What is the best paint to use?? As in what will Last Longer on a Tunnel and what will be Cheaper out of my pocket to buy? I was told Car paint works.
also, How to Prep a Tunnel, What sanding methods are the best, what kind of sandpaper? Do i need a Primer? do i need a Clearcoat finish?
Sorry for all the questions, latly i couldn't sleep at night and have been missing alot of school because of my sled and truck. the Questions that keep running threw my head is * will this sled ever be back togeather*?? and *when will my truck get done, or will it ever get done* i just need to get these things done and out of my head and out of the shed before it gives me a nervous breakdown........
Once again, Thanks
What is the best paint to use?? As in what will Last Longer on a Tunnel and what will be Cheaper out of my pocket to buy? I was told Car paint works.
also, How to Prep a Tunnel, What sanding methods are the best, what kind of sandpaper? Do i need a Primer? do i need a Clearcoat finish?
Sorry for all the questions, latly i couldn't sleep at night and have been missing alot of school because of my sled and truck. the Questions that keep running threw my head is * will this sled ever be back togeather*?? and *when will my truck get done, or will it ever get done* i just need to get these things done and out of my head and out of the shed before it gives me a nervous breakdown........
Once again, Thanks
Go to school
Based on your posts and some of the decisions you make I think the first thing you should concentrate on is not missing any more school. Get yourself a good job and either pay someone (who knows what they are doing) to put your sled back together or take it to the nearest salvage lot and get rid of it, then buy somthing new and LEAVE IT STOCK.
Based on your posts and some of the decisions you make I think the first thing you should concentrate on is not missing any more school. Get yourself a good job and either pay someone (who knows what they are doing) to put your sled back together or take it to the nearest salvage lot and get rid of it, then buy somthing new and LEAVE IT STOCK.

^^^ Second that, all the posts i have read I just shake my head, you blow it up and yell at everyone because you used the jetting they supplied on this website, you post have zero money then your pulling it all apart to get it powdercoated, now your upset its all in peices. You took a very nice NEW sled and are going to end up with a cobble job when your done.
I have been down this road as a youngster as well and the best advice is sell the long track kit, heck sell every single mod part you have other then cosmetic, leave the powedercoating alone, paint, etc and put the sled back to stock and enjoy it before you get too deep and let me tell you once you cross the line THEN YOU WILL LOSE SLEEP. Also focus on getting through school first then toys, school is the catalyst to LOTS of toys down the road
I have been down this road as a youngster as well and the best advice is sell the long track kit, heck sell every single mod part you have other then cosmetic, leave the powedercoating alone, paint, etc and put the sled back to stock and enjoy it before you get too deep and let me tell you once you cross the line THEN YOU WILL LOSE SLEEP. Also focus on getting through school first then toys, school is the catalyst to LOTS of toys down the road

I 3rd those above posts. Nothing personal, we have never meet - but focus on the important things in life first.... Toys will always be around later
New member
I Am sorry guys For Throwing this *snag IN life* at you, but its nothing Big... But Escuse Me If i take some Advice from people on this forum and end up with nothing afterwards. I am the kind of Person That will Modifiy/Change anything just because i Like the thrill And Working with my hands. if i had to pick to Make them faster or Ride them, i'd probaly Pick Making them faster... If i just get another sled i will end up doing the SAME thing to that, thats pointless for you to Tell me that. So your Telling me to Throw Down My Tools and Start New beacuse i can't put a sled togeather? im sorry but thats not what i do, i dont give up because somthign Seems a little difficult.
All i wanted to know what The best paint to use on a Metal Surface (sled tunnel) but you guys kinda made me feel liek this thread has been turned into a Life or Death suituation.. *Auji the sled isn't gonna work anymore, Sell it, Throw it out and start new* i dont think thats the kinda advice i'd give people, but thats me.
I told you guys that i couldn't afford The powdercoating so im turning to paint, but yet you dont give me any answers and just tell me what i should do instead.
the questions Go threw my head, but i know Everythign is fine, and will be back to the way it is. i'm going to put it back togeather, Myself. I kinda feel like an Underdog because everyone is telling me to give up. But thats good because it then gives me a STRONG feeling to push for, even if it gets hard along the way.
now, Can anyone Answer My questions??? thank you.
All i wanted to know what The best paint to use on a Metal Surface (sled tunnel) but you guys kinda made me feel liek this thread has been turned into a Life or Death suituation.. *Auji the sled isn't gonna work anymore, Sell it, Throw it out and start new* i dont think thats the kinda advice i'd give people, but thats me.
I told you guys that i couldn't afford The powdercoating so im turning to paint, but yet you dont give me any answers and just tell me what i should do instead.
the questions Go threw my head, but i know Everythign is fine, and will be back to the way it is. i'm going to put it back togeather, Myself. I kinda feel like an Underdog because everyone is telling me to give up. But thats good because it then gives me a STRONG feeling to push for, even if it gets hard along the way.
now, Can anyone Answer My questions??? thank you.
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auji the biggest part to painting aluminum is prepping it. Acid based cleaners work very good but if money is tight vinegar will work. i painted my tunnell extenson last fall with KRYLON H2O for canadian tire. Its a latex paint i didnt think it would last since its latex but the guy told me hed take my extension off and repaint it with whatever i wanted if it dint. well its still on there no problems at all. 2 coats of primer and 3 of the KRYLON Pat
Harry Balzonya
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dont feel bad man i live the same life too alot of people are too negative. I think its because of our age. they think where gonna fail all the time becuase we dont think good enought or something( i dont know though) it weird
why not be a bit more positive and try and help the guy if it dont work for auji its not gonna be and money out of your wallet or any sleep lost either.
auji i dont have very much experience with stuff but if i was you phone some profesional paint shops or something
you were once our age before too
why not be a bit more positive and try and help the guy if it dont work for auji its not gonna be and money out of your wallet or any sleep lost either.
auji i dont have very much experience with stuff but if i was you phone some profesional paint shops or something
you were once our age before too
New member
Xt700, after putting that on the aluminum, Do i need to do sanding?? From a low grit to high grit? then Primer, then paint a few coats, then a clear coat??
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I just sanded quick with 400 then washed it up let dry primed sanded with 600 then painted it didnt put any clear. shines nice and hasnt faded at all. a trick to remember is to not try and lay it on too thick on the first coat thats why you put more than one. i like to lightly cover with the first go a little heavier on the second and somewhere in between on the third. just add another light coat if it doesnt look even everywhere this way you stay away from runs and having to start all over. And try to resist the temtation to spray real close 12-14 inches is good. It takes longer but spreads smoother. Good luck with the project
and remember no one ever learnt by letting someone else do it for them
and remember no one ever learnt by letting someone else do it for them
auji : you may want to ask a pro body man about the clear coat I think it may
have a tendancy to want to crack . I don't know how the clear coat , the cold and the flex of the tunnel will react together . Latex will stay flexable . Also look into
urathane paint it's not too expensive and it is vary easy to work with . It will also
hold a good shine and it is vary tough . Also if you take your tunnel extension to the
paint store they can scan it and mix an identical color . If you need any more help let me know .
have a tendancy to want to crack . I don't know how the clear coat , the cold and the flex of the tunnel will react together . Latex will stay flexable . Also look into
urathane paint it's not too expensive and it is vary easy to work with . It will also
hold a good shine and it is vary tough . Also if you take your tunnel extension to the
paint store they can scan it and mix an identical color . If you need any more help let me know .
New member
auji, nobody is being overly negative. i know i've given you advice before and from my point of view it didn't seem to be takin very thankfully. i know many a time i had the same thoughts as the guys above but refrained from saying anything, and i'm sure they have thought about it many a times too before saying something. you just gotta prioritize man. in your list school is first above anything. working with your hands is a great skill, and is something all of us on this forum love to do (thats why we do what we do). but working with your brain reaps the greater harvest and in turn allows you to do more of what you want to do (i.e. build your bronco, build your viper, and all your other projects) all the guys here go to work, do there thing, and on the weekends they hit the fun stuff to unwind. i noticed we are the same age and so don't take this as someone who is older and doesn't know what "we" go through and do. nobody is being judgemental, some people just realize stuff and see stuff at different times in their lives and i'm tellin you that your priorities could use some lookin into. heck i'm a full time college student, now working a full time job for the summer, and i gotta get a new (used of course) car to get me back and forth and after all that and the bills i will spend some on the sled. we're just sayin man, at this age you can't be takin on this much stuff while tryin to start your own life outside of living off of ma and pops. try lookin at stuff in positive manner before negative, because 95% of the time its meant to be postive... (like the above posts)
New member
I'd try and get some advice from someone who paints aircraft. Aluminum prep is very important and you need a really good primer.
I'd prime it with epoxy primer and use a primer that matches the paint so it won't be as noticable when you scratch the surface coat. I've used PPG DPLF epoxy primer, it's really good stuff and it comes in different colours.
I'd prime it with epoxy primer and use a primer that matches the paint so it won't be as noticable when you scratch the surface coat. I've used PPG DPLF epoxy primer, it's really good stuff and it comes in different colours.
Active member
Not knowing the condition of the tunnel but would advice dont strip it man you cant beat the paint that is already there.It should be a base clear paint like the hood.After sanding the clear coat only with a fine wet sandpaper only the bare metal should be primed with a etching primer for alunimun then cover it and any areas that you mite of sanded thru with a tinted high build primer that is close to the colour that is there now.The powder coated piece can be sanded and painted at the same time for the right colour match.
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New member
Blue who, The tunnel is Just silver, no paint on it....
kysledneck : What did you use to Prep Your tunnel And how do you use the Bulldog paint adhesioner & bed liner???, Yours looks good. Can i get it in Glossy black?? thanks
kysledneck : What did you use to Prep Your tunnel And how do you use the Bulldog paint adhesioner & bed liner???, Yours looks good. Can i get it in Glossy black?? thanks
pollish the snot out of the raw aluminum tunnel....chicks dig a guy who knows how to apply the polish.
honest...i been there.
polished tunnels look the best...IMO.
forget them other guys....they are old and been through that...they ain't got no right to denie you your right to be young and dum and fulll of kuuuum.
honest...i been there.
polished tunnels look the best...IMO.
forget them other guys....they are old and been through that...they ain't got no right to denie you your right to be young and dum and fulll of kuuuum.
Some friendly advice
OK, Auji, I'll get off my soapbox and give you my opinion. Painted tunnels suck. The reason they suck is because they inevitably get scratched and the paint wears off from your feet no matter what the finish......I don't care if it's powder coated or some special paint with the proper prep or a spray can. When it wears they look like crap. There is just no getting around it. Have you noticed that Yamaha sells sleds w/ all natural aluminum tunnels? There is a reason for that. Paint will not hold up. If you don't like the natural aluminum then polish it. Now, keep in mind, I am not ragging on you. You asked for my OPINION which is based on having sleds with painted, powdercoated, polished and natural tunnels. As far as durability and looks today, tomorrow and next year, natural is the best finish if you are the kind of guy who rides their sled. If it's a showpiece / trailer queen then that's different.
OK, Auji, I'll get off my soapbox and give you my opinion. Painted tunnels suck. The reason they suck is because they inevitably get scratched and the paint wears off from your feet no matter what the finish......I don't care if it's powder coated or some special paint with the proper prep or a spray can. When it wears they look like crap. There is just no getting around it. Have you noticed that Yamaha sells sleds w/ all natural aluminum tunnels? There is a reason for that. Paint will not hold up. If you don't like the natural aluminum then polish it. Now, keep in mind, I am not ragging on you. You asked for my OPINION which is based on having sleds with painted, powdercoated, polished and natural tunnels. As far as durability and looks today, tomorrow and next year, natural is the best finish if you are the kind of guy who rides their sled. If it's a showpiece / trailer queen then that's different.
New member
auji, madmatt does have a point. however, i believe you can get around that with a set of rox treds on top of your painted tunnel. i definetely wouldn't try it as a at home thing, but for sure let a pro go at it (plus this way if it peels or anything goofy your covered cuz its their work) but ya, powdercoat for sure would be the best route by far, then slap some rox treads on there and you'll be even better off with not scratchin the black off, beefier running boards, and more traction.
New member
I hear you guys, You have a point.... I can't Afford PowderCoating, so i think im gonna go with *Kysledneck* on this one i think. Then Put Rox Threads on it... SxViper32, can y ou post up what Rox threads look like?? i dont think i've seen em.
The thing is, I have most Of the rivets Drilled out ( not Where they attach, but on the sides and where you put your feet) it would be a waste of time and Work Just drilling them out for no reason and Riviting it backtogeather for nothing. So i might Just spray paint it ( Primer, Coat, coat Then a finish) And then apply Rox threads to keep them from Scratching.
to answer you're questions, i do ride my sled. Very aggressive actully. i Polished my tunnel Many times and its just a waste of time. Seems like the Bright shine goes away and its so boring to do it again.
Another question, HOw do i PREP a tunnel for Paint?? Use Vinagear, then SAND it use Low grit, then high grit Then paint?? thanks!!
The thing is, I have most Of the rivets Drilled out ( not Where they attach, but on the sides and where you put your feet) it would be a waste of time and Work Just drilling them out for no reason and Riviting it backtogeather for nothing. So i might Just spray paint it ( Primer, Coat, coat Then a finish) And then apply Rox threads to keep them from Scratching.
to answer you're questions, i do ride my sled. Very aggressive actully. i Polished my tunnel Many times and its just a waste of time. Seems like the Bright shine goes away and its so boring to do it again.
Another question, HOw do i PREP a tunnel for Paint?? Use Vinagear, then SAND it use Low grit, then high grit Then paint?? thanks!!
New member
heres a link to their webpage showin the treads. i believe rich sells rox stuff, so you might contact him on the details. another option which i forgot about is that they have their new individual "grip strips" which are like atv grips that you rivet to the tunnel and its cheaper than the whole running board tread. cheaper too and shows more black through too. again, just another option.