Has anyone tried dual runners


New member
Jan 12, 2005
Wondering what the pros and cons, other than price is while running dual runners on stock Viper Skis.

One more thing.
I thought that I read somewhere, perhaps here, that after installing a pair, someone chose NOT to stud, as the front end grip was so much better, the rear did not kick out that much on icey corners.
I've heard mixed reviews on the Dual Runners...More or less the bad out wieghed the
good...I myself run the Shaper bars and they are unbelievbly better than stock...but there is another set of Runners the guys here rave about...and they are also a unique shape and carbide pattern..and last a long time...but sorry I can't think of the name...do a search and you find a few discussions regarding this subject..good luck...
I didnt like the dual runners , they pushed alot in corners but got rid of darting.
I just went for 8 inch carbides and shimmed my skis best thing i ever did for the machine.
I believe you are refering to bergstrom triple point carbides, they are an excellent product.I have ran his stuff on several different sleds over the years and they are head and shoulders better than other brands in my opinion.
the woodys doolies definitely eliminate darting but also push in the corners- as mentioned above. how are the bergstrom tripples as far as darting goes? i would think they'd be fine with shimmed skis. i think i'm gonna give 'em a try this season.
Got a pair of doolies on my SRX and my nephew has a set on his F-7. Both sleds have 192 studs. We both like what they do for steering. Much better than stock ones. We both found out that the front edge of the wear bars like to catch on stuff...i.e. rail road tracks. Last winter in the UP while crossing some tracks, my nephew nearly went over the hood. I was right behind him and ended up with a kink in my left running board from them catching on the tracks. We'll be T.I.G.ing some stainless helper parts to the front edges before we go again.

Good luck.
I have not had any darting at all with triple pointers and shimmed skis plus get his ski savers that go between the runner and skis.It prtects the ski,reduces darting even more because it wraps partially around the sides of the runner and kinda hides it from the ruts and it increases your side bite in turns because the plate is a little wider than the keel of the ski which makes it scoop snow and hold it from the side, this is a nice improvement, go for it you won't regret it and his stuff wears longer than anything.
