How to set proper ride height on 02 Viper


VIP Lifetime Member
May 2, 2003
I have removed my rear suspension and taken everything apart. At this point have lost all my adjustments. In 03 I did have the upgrade on all the new shocks. What I would like to know is how to set the ride height,(rear bumper height ) & how much gap should I have on the upper control rods when sitting on the machine. What should be the length of the rear spring while the rear of the machine is off the ground & length of the spring while sitting on it. I would also like the measurments for the front spring in the rear suspension. I weigh 240lbs with gear on. I do mostly trail riding.

Any information would be helpful
Thank's in advance


loosen the front one up and crank the rear one down. This is not going to change the ride hieght b/c it is a constant or damn near constant. By changing the spring tension you are adjusting the preload on the shock, not the ride height. By upper control rods are you talking about transfer rods? for the transfer rods you should have the same gap on top and bottom while sitting on the sled.
