New member
here's some pics for the motor guru's, as requested. was planning on a top end rebuild this summer anyway. now it will get a mr viper massaging.
the mag and pto pistons and cyls look like new. the center had some "errosion" on the exhaust side at altitude. cylinder doesnt look too bad at all.
both rings on the center cyl were intact the lower ring broke apart after i pulled it out of the cylinder. notice the pics, motor together then, piston in my hand.
cant wait to put her together and run some heat cycles through her. hoping it will be together around labor day (or so). ski
the mag and pto pistons and cyls look like new. the center had some "errosion" on the exhaust side at altitude. cylinder doesnt look too bad at all.
both rings on the center cyl were intact the lower ring broke apart after i pulled it out of the cylinder. notice the pics, motor together then, piston in my hand.
cant wait to put her together and run some heat cycles through her. hoping it will be together around labor day (or so). ski
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New member
altitude, and tempflow. lean midrange trail cruising seizure. i had carbs jetted for flat land mains and pilots. the clips were for the proper altitude (10000-12000) and i was squeezing the mains with the flow. she went down going back down the mountain. i should have been alittle fatter with the tempaflow. or like next year, i wont be using it.
Ouch. Mid summer rebuild, I did not know she blew. I hope it goes well.
Mr Viper
Can't say enough good about what Mr Viper did for me. I bet the massage will begin witht that tempablow being removed!! Good luck Ski!!!!
Can't say enough good about what Mr Viper did for me. I bet the massage will begin witht that tempablow being removed!! Good luck Ski!!!!
Tempa blows
You got that right Matt.....LOL!!! I heard you sold the beast huh????
Ski, That doesnt look to awfull bad, from the pics, typical tempa blow, that didnt happen all at 1 time, it does it a little every time you get on the sled after a quck shut down and then take off again.
Bring it over, theres some things that can be done to help it run a lil better then before........................
You got that right Matt.....LOL!!! I heard you sold the beast huh????
Ski, That doesnt look to awfull bad, from the pics, typical tempa blow, that didnt happen all at 1 time, it does it a little every time you get on the sled after a quck shut down and then take off again.
Bring it over, theres some things that can be done to help it run a lil better then before........................
Mr viper - what do you reccomend if your running a piped viper and try to jet it to be safe but then its so fat you get like 6 mpg, vari-flow maybe? BTW I have EGT gauges I will be using to monitor. I like the adjustment the tempaflow gives and with side scoops directing air directly into the air box it cools the tempaflow down real quick after a stop.
Side note what does your porting and other tricks do to enhance the viper, hp, response, etc?
Side note what does your porting and other tricks do to enhance the viper, hp, response, etc?
I see too much wash on PTO and MAG, and not enough on Center which may have caused it to run high exhaust temps and melt the exhaust side of the center piston.
What did you other guys see? (beyond what you already stated)
I agree that it likely happened over time, but why only on the center, and why does this point to the Tempa-Flow?
Not questioning anybody's analysis (especially MRVIPER's), just wanting to learn more.
What did you other guys see? (beyond what you already stated)
I agree that it likely happened over time, but why only on the center, and why does this point to the Tempa-Flow?
Not questioning anybody's analysis (especially MRVIPER's), just wanting to learn more.
I cant see any wash at all, all I see is black carbon on my, the reason I say it happens over time is you see all that black carbon behind the exposed rindlands and such, this means it ran for some time with the edges burned back. The tempa blows do this over time, this is usually a situation where they come into play, you and your buddies are running hard on some fast trails/lakes, you guys all come to a stop sign shut off the sleds and decide where your all gonna go for luch or whatever, about a 30-40 second stop max...... then you guys all yank the ropes and rip off to your destination, and while you first take off all the heat from the pipes and engine has told the tempablow thats the temp is now 70-80 degress out and its leaned out the fuel flow, but the problem arises because its only 20 out and the motor is wide open again, poof.......lean burn, the exh side of the pistons goes into melt mode, this may only happen for a few seconds till the tempa blow catches up but the damage has already been done, now multiply this scenario over a whole season and you have burned exh edges on your pistons!
A tempa blow may only pick one one or 2 cylinders based on the heat of the actual cylinder, its not picky, which ever cylinder is the hottest gets it first ,with ski's sled it was the middle, its sitting between to other hot cylinders at rest. A viper has alot of cooling problems with the stock mono head and its not even like a srx is. A way to get a viper to cool more evenly is to run a srx base gasket and a set of mega power(larger coolant capacity) or srx heads on it, plus they can be set up with the correct squish angles and clearances for better performance and reliability. This is also how you can jet it correctly to get some kind of mileage, you will never, never, ever get a piped viper to get the mileage of a srx because of its pipe design, it just takes more fuel in the pilot, with the aftermarket pipes, this is where you spend 80 percent of your trail riding time unless your nothing but a lake runner then your on the needle and main. The timing really isnt as big a issue as some make it out to be, timing actually helps a motor down low and mid but suffers on topend, retarded timing makes more hp up top, timing helps a motor to get up to power quicker. it is true a viper holds more timing in mid throttle then a srx does but with proper head set up, jetting, clutching it can be done with no problems. A really good way to have your cake and eat it too, is to build a viper with a the head set up listed above, a 01 srx cdi box, and then you can get some what decent overall mileage, but still cant touch the stock or slightly modded srx, they can do 13-15mpg all day long. Again, your dealing with a 40-42.5 pilot in a srx and stock needle spots, versus 47.5-50 pilots and needles way rich , 4 th groove in a viper. The best I have ever gotten a piped viper to do is 10-11mpg and that depends on the trails its ridden on, and it was clutched perfectly, clutching also goes hand in hand with fuel mileage!! This is the reason why Scott,"betheviper" did the srx pipe coversion he did, to get the fuel mileage back.
A tempa blow may only pick one one or 2 cylinders based on the heat of the actual cylinder, its not picky, which ever cylinder is the hottest gets it first ,with ski's sled it was the middle, its sitting between to other hot cylinders at rest. A viper has alot of cooling problems with the stock mono head and its not even like a srx is. A way to get a viper to cool more evenly is to run a srx base gasket and a set of mega power(larger coolant capacity) or srx heads on it, plus they can be set up with the correct squish angles and clearances for better performance and reliability. This is also how you can jet it correctly to get some kind of mileage, you will never, never, ever get a piped viper to get the mileage of a srx because of its pipe design, it just takes more fuel in the pilot, with the aftermarket pipes, this is where you spend 80 percent of your trail riding time unless your nothing but a lake runner then your on the needle and main. The timing really isnt as big a issue as some make it out to be, timing actually helps a motor down low and mid but suffers on topend, retarded timing makes more hp up top, timing helps a motor to get up to power quicker. it is true a viper holds more timing in mid throttle then a srx does but with proper head set up, jetting, clutching it can be done with no problems. A really good way to have your cake and eat it too, is to build a viper with a the head set up listed above, a 01 srx cdi box, and then you can get some what decent overall mileage, but still cant touch the stock or slightly modded srx, they can do 13-15mpg all day long. Again, your dealing with a 40-42.5 pilot in a srx and stock needle spots, versus 47.5-50 pilots and needles way rich , 4 th groove in a viper. The best I have ever gotten a piped viper to do is 10-11mpg and that depends on the trails its ridden on, and it was clutched perfectly, clutching also goes hand in hand with fuel mileage!! This is the reason why Scott,"betheviper" did the srx pipe coversion he did, to get the fuel mileage back.
New member
bad thing was, i was running megapower heads at the time. we were trail cruising 53-55 mph back to the lodge for lunch. coming from 12k feet down to the lodge at 10k mid range burn down (flow too lean). i was running it at 10-12k but it must have been too lean. i can see dons point if guys constantly do the described method above. i am very concious of the tempaflow and surely in most cases avoid the above. not say that it hasnt happend a time or two.... get suck, 2-3 minutes down time, pin it for a short shot to get it out. waiting on pistons and wrist pins and i'll bring her down to you. gotta get with grizwald and b2so and do the "big delivery" to you don. hopefully in the next few weeks. what works for you? ski
just let me know ahead of time, when ever suits you suits me.
New member
Mine is another good example of the Tempa-Blow. I am sure you have seen some of my pics. Here are some that I am sure you have seen but some of the others probably hasn't. See you this weekend
Mine is another good example of the Tempa-Blow. I am sure you have seen some of my pics. Here are some that I am sure you have seen but some of the others probably hasn't. See you this weekend
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