Best Stud for Grass??


New member
Dec 25, 2005
Presque Isle, ME
Hello again, I have an 02 piped viper just wondering what results people had with studs on the grass and what worked best. Thanks

What kind of track are you going to run? The Megabite studs have a very square tip to them and bite pretty hard. If you're going to run a speed track you can't go wrong with Woody's 1.060 chisel studs!!
I have just a one inch track, not sure if its a stock replacment or not but its in pretty good shape. I was thinking about the chiesel tooths but want something that I can use in the winter also. It has 192 worn out chiesel tooths and thye aren't worth anything once they are worn alittle. Also I run it on the lake after grass drag season..but I may just go with the chiesel tooths.
