Re-using Gaskets?


New member
May 2, 2005
Labrador City,Canada
question, I have Many Base Gaskets Lieing around Some new, some old. Just wondering Can i re-use the Newest One i have instead of Ordering one again.. Is there any problams to using a older/newer gasket? Put 250Km on my sled last year and i ended up tearing it down. so....

base gaskets are steel and are reuseable, if its a viper you have I would use a srx base gasket for the better cooling holes it has.
i re-use mine all the time. For some added seal I use "high tack" gasket spray, you can get it at canadian tire auji. fellow canuck here eh lol, it works well to fill any imperfections there might be from removing it.
alright thanks guys. Also What about re-using PowerValve and Exhaust Gaskets.. Pain in the asss to be Ordering them all the time, They arn't cheap man!

Eh B'y?
mrviper700 said:
base gaskets are steel and are reuseable, if its a viper you have I would use a srx base gasket for the better cooling holes it has.

what year SRX gasket works on a 02 viper? Or does it not matter? Thanks
98-02 srx all the same base kinger.

yes, you could reuse the powervalve metal gaskets, and the metal exh ones, but like someone mentioned, I would use hitack spray on them.
