wtb hauck 800 kit


New member
Apr 4, 2005
i wtb hauck 800 kit to my 01 srx 700... :bump:
send me pm if you have a 800 kit..

10-4 on that Double Dee!!!!

If you change the rings out every 1500 miles, You should be fine. Otherwise you will have the rings scuffin the top side of the exhaust port, and that ain't good.
Man those things are HUGE!!!
I'm talkin bout the exhaust ports, not my avitar!!!!!!!!!
i have a hauck 800cc "top gun" kit for sale. only 500 miles on it and everything is in great shape. asking $1600 shipped in the states. pm me, i may not get back to it in the next few days as i am staying on the job 24/7 so i won't be near a computer. thanks!
Two things that happened to mine was. The cyclinder broke a chunk out between the o-ring grove and cyclinder wall and all three cyclinder skirts cracked on the intake side. They do this because they are just too thin with a 73.9mm bore. If I was to do it again I would go with a 780 bb.
Danger Dog said:
Two things that happened to mine was. The cyclinder broke a chunk out between the o-ring grove and cyclinder wall and all three cyclinder skirts cracked on the intake side. They do this because they are just too thin with a 73.9mm bore. If I was to do it again I would go with a 780 bb.

That's true but i have cracked 780 skirt as well...

I use copper rings to replace that original (red) o-ring. It gives more support for cylinder wall.

The reason your breaking the skirts on the cylinders is from detonation plain and simple, your sending violent shock waves thru the piston and rattling it in the bore, at the wrong time, and this is what breaks the skirts. While true they do get fairly thin at 74mm bore, they can be run with no problems what so ever with proper engine set up. Compression ratio and squish clearance set up for the octane gas going to be run solves these problems. There is alot more to proper head set up then just flat cutting the heads and open them up for the bore. the squish angles, radius's are very often overlooked.
For some reason alot of guys like to run these srx/viper engines way to lean, and they actually make less power, yamaha fuel curve is fairly wide, they dont simply stick the piston, they tend to nose over first and drop rpm before doing any damage. try jetting one up next time and I bet even though you will look at the piston top and spark plug and say, "its fat yet" it will run the best mph in a given distance. :2strokes:
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mrviper I was running Megapower heads with .055 squish and 145psi compression. My jetting was not on the lean side and there was no sign of detination. I also had benders pipes.
detonation can be in many forms, it doesnt always have to pepper the pistons with dents on top, it may be as discreet as looking like the piston has been beadblasted on edges. It can simply wreck the rings(looks like water spots on them), break off the intake skirts, audibly ping, wipe out crank bearings. If you broke the skirts then you had some form of detonation. The pistons were rocking back and forth violently, at the wrong time to break those off.

It all depends on the actual head set up, squish angle and radius being the most important element to preventing detonation on a lower octane fuel while running fairly high compression ratio's. Over advanced timing can also play a large factor. Just because they were mega power heads doesnt change anything, I recut those domes all the time.
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i will only use my srx kit to dragrace on snow 660ft...the kit in haucks katalog is it 800 or 780?
mrviper I did'nt break the piston skirts. It was the skirts on the cyclinders. Why did the cyclinder break by the o-ring. Maybe I got three bad jugs! I don't think so. Just my experience.
Danger, If you read the post, I am talking about the intake skirts on the cylinders, they get broken from the piston rocking back and forth in the bore from detonation, how in the world would you explain them being broken off the cylinder if it were not for the rocking of the piston, caused by uncontrolled pressure waves from good ol detonation. Hey if you wanna believe it was somethin else by all means feel free to, Just tellin ya what happened, seen it plenty of times, have ran the 74mm ones with absolutley NO problems, they work when set up correctly. As for your broken o ring groove, someoen dropped the cylinder or did something when it was being machined, or it is a possiblity of a contaminated spot of aluminum from the original cast, sometimes impurites dont show up until stuff is machined to the exact tolerance, but not for all 3 cylinders breaking off the intake skirts!! :o|

BTW_ how much stronger do you think .040" is gonna make the cylinder skirts? thats the differance in a 72.9mm and a 73.9mm, the drawback to the 73.9mm is the pistons alot heavier then the 72.9mm, because the skirt is almost 2 times as thick, but they do use a wider ring that aids in durability oppsesd to the 72.9mm pistons from wiseco.
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What you think about my solution to use copper rings on top-end to prevent these cracking problems. Is it good idea or not?

You could do that, but I have built plenty of 73.9mm ones and have never had any problems with the o-ring grooves, I think the other guy simply had a bad casting or someone dinged it when it was machined or being replated, resulting in a crack or chunk coming out there, this isnt a common problem.
Mr Viper what do you recommend for jetting on a 780 srx for both grass and snow? I live in illinois. 0-2000 feet. Thanks
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i have a 800 kit, needs one cylinder welded and replated and one cylinder, and of course reringed, i would trade this for a good top end for a srx. or would sell for 700
