Anyone try this tailight?

I have leds with the clear lens from an R1 on my Blue Viper, only problem is leds do not generate enough heat to melt snow or ice that gets on taillight.

They look like they'd be very bright so I may try them too. I already am in the habit of reaching back to brush off the tailight periodically, so I don't think the snow thing would be an issue for me (hopefully).
I bought one and it is nice, but I messed up and got the clear ones. clear bulb in the red lense means NO LIGHT! so get the red one and ride on, its what I am going to do. kinda need it to offset the brite headlight
i have red 1157 led in my sxr500 with a brighter headlamp bulb. works great. i cheated though and put pam on the outside of the lens. snow didnt stick to it all winter. just wish i could get one to work in my et410. bugger wont light up unless i hold the bulb in compressing the spring. im thinking about changing the gauge bulbs to led like i did on my xt350. just a hint though if anyone else is gonna try this, use only clear bulbs in the gauges. i had a blue one in the tac to try it and couldnt see the needle in the dark. put the clear ones in and no problems seeing needles in the dark. cant see trip odometer on the bike but other wise works great.
