jetting help plez

Now that were on the subject...I'm running a Viper with Carbon Tech reeds...Reed spacers...and gunna install a Mod Forced Air Induction Duct...I was wonderin if I could drop the needle down 1 space(leaner)...?...Would this Hurt anything..Obviously give me a lil more kick...and should I be super cautious on -30-40 kinda days doin this...?...or just leave it alone and look into TPI valves down the road...?
these are very cold days your talking about, if anything i would raise it a notch depending on how it runs, maybe a lean bog at those low temperatures in the mid range (running off the needles)

i hear it over and over again about vipers burning down in the midrange
Hmmm...really?...okay...I've never checked my plugs after a wide or mid range drive and hit the kill switch(but I'll do that)...but after changing my plugs from the year before...they where a little darker than the tan colour..but idling could also do that aswell...and your right...I've only ridden in those temps 1 weekend...but persay on an average -5 / -10 ride...could I drop it 1/2 or 1 full clip...or just leave alone..?..
i would just leave it alone around or close to zero. but the -30 and -40 is freakin cold man!! not only you might wanna richen the needles, may want to jet up on the mains. take a look at your jetting chart for those temperatures, i bet it will tell you to do the same thing
seriously you better not have your needles lowered!!!!!!!!!!
Stock would not be good enough at -40, -30 is questionable.

We are talking about celsius right?
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