Lets see if I can explain this! Got an 03 Viper (121"). Put rail extensions -converted to 136". I now want to change the approach angle. I found a kit to do this, but it includes rail extensions, tunnell extension etc. I already have this. All I need is the brackets and templates to move the skid back. Has anyone purchased this kit? Or is there any other options?
New member
anytime you reduce the approach angle you need shorter rail extensions. the tunnel extension will be the same though. a few people on here relocated it and hated it on trail, so do a search first before decieding. as far as the specifics, i cant help you.
Try getting in touch with "BOOMER" on, here he seems to be the guy thats done some toying around with different applications....on different sleds...hope this helps....
Thanks for the info, and I realize the rails will have to be shortened. Boomer, where are you?