clutch set up for heavy hitters


New member
Feb 3, 2005
labrador home of snow
what kinda set up would be good to start with for my viper? i dont have any instructions on the kit so i need a starting point to beat some poos that are stripped down to purposely try to beat me.

all things done to my sled are in my signature.

yeah, lets get some starting points going. i'm in the same boat. i have the 48.8g HH base weights. i'm going to try this setup in my '02 aaen piped viper:

14.5 rollers
48.8g weights w/2-3g in center and tip
black HH hitter pri spring that came in kit

stock 47 helix
green spring @ 60 deg.

I hope I can get a multi-angle helix to work that would be great for the trails and some great wot runs. i was told that the hh's don't like multi-angled helixs. i don't know though for sure, as i never experienced first hand.
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Stock rollers
HH 150/300 primary spring
Heel Empty or 1/4 allen
Center 3/8 steel bolt w/thick washer
Tip open will nail 9000 RPM

Stock viper 47* helix
Yami Silver secondary spring @ 70

Very simple setup that works well for the CPR's & Aaens.
I would think you would want to start w/ the lighter 48.5 base weight for more weight adjustment where u want it.just a thought, to late now & still may work out fine.
