I'm looking for a large volume SRX rear exchanger for my 2002 Viper, but I got an Sxr one for free recently. Anybody tried this?
I know it's small and the hoses are smaller too but maybe it would be worth a try if I don't find an SRX one. Would it reduce the coolant flow enough to cause more harm than good?
I know it's small and the hoses are smaller too but maybe it would be worth a try if I don't find an SRX one. Would it reduce the coolant flow enough to cause more harm than good?
Active member
the big SRX exchanger is the way to go. Provides much better cooling then the SXR exchanger. If there are any mods to your Viper use the larger one.
Active member
as yamyrider said the bigger srx one will add A LOT more cooling, but i guess if you got that one for free it is better than nothing. Might be a lot of horsing around getting something to work for the different hose diameters. Your call though.