srx dreamer
New member
I am looking into purchasing a clutch kit for my 01 srx. Is it worth all the extra money for the heel clicker set up? It is considerably more money then the reg kit. Maybe some one could explain how they work? Thanks in advance. : 2strokes:
Do a search. You will be reading for 2 months. Been done to death. Don,t buy new as there are very good deals on used weights. you can pm me for set up help.
srx dreamer
New member
Turk said:Do a search. You will be reading for 2 months. Been done to death. Don,t buy new as there are very good deals on used weights. you can pm me for set up help.
I just really dot feel like messing around tring things and all. Bender seems to have some good kits depending on ur application and mods.Im really kind of just wondering how well the heel clicker set up works. A reg clutch kit it relatively inexpensive.
You can spend $400 on a kit or pay $140ish for the parts; DIY; learn how to clutch tune your sled & have a set up that will run the same.
srx dreamer
New member
199 for clutch kit. 359 with heel clickers. I am experienced with clutching my old sled but heel clickers where not an option. seems from a search that most people swear by them.
New member
they are really good you just need time to tune them in correctly.
New member
they're very nice to work with from an adjustability point of view not having to drill out rivets and what not just screwing in different weights. I played around with clutching on my 98 srx using stock parts and it ran pretty well, then got a used heel clicker off ebay for like 200 bucks and it was like night and day. Sled pulled so much harder liked it so much bought another set for my 2000 sxr 700. Not to say that you can't get the sled to run just as strong using other kits or stock parts just the HC kit is much faster to adjust.
New member
srx dreamer said:Maybe some one could explain how they work? Thanks in advance. : 2strokes:
in short, there are 3 holes drilled and tapped in the weight for the tip (3/4-wot), one for the middle section (mid range pull) and one for the "Heel" which controls engagement....
included in the kit are a multitude of bolts nuts set screws and washers.
the combinations avaialable with these nuts bolts and washers (adjustability) is considerably easier because they tell you the weight of each particular size......
so theoretically you could know exactly how much weight you are adding without having a digital scale or tripple beam......
you could also adjust your engagement properly with the weight instead of using a different spring like some do........
i think they are worth their weight in gold........some even like to run the polaris heel clickers with the pol to yamaha conversion to get a different profile.
i am currently running the yamy 40-10's and a 48/42 helix with great results.......
New member
Can you cut costs by buying this kit part for part??
For a Viper buy a set of used 40/10 hc,s with the red hc spring
Buy a Yamaha green secondary spring
Buy a used dual angle helix about a 46/40 angle or something close.
Should be able to find all that for under $200.
Buy a Yamaha green secondary spring
Buy a used dual angle helix about a 46/40 angle or something close.
Should be able to find all that for under $200.
srx dreamer
New member
I just got a set of hc and a helix. for under 200. the parts are used. but worth the savings. thanks for ur help turk. I will probally have some questions about the twist on my secondary when I get my clutches apart.
New member
Turk said:For a Viper buy a set of used 40/10 hc,s with the red hc spring
Buy a Yamaha green secondary spring
Buy a used dual angle helix about a 46/40 angle or something close.
Should be able to find all that for under $200.
What helix comes with the kit?? I've always wondered that....
srx dreamer
New member
best off to buy the pieces seperate that way u get what helix u want. when u buy most heel clicker set ups the do not come with helix, unless u buy complete kit from bender and then it does not specify what helix they give u.
New member
do you need this helix you speak of?im so lost lol
srx dreamer
New member
If u have clutching questions talk to turk, but u do need a diferent angle helix with the heel clickers. Some kits come with a helix like from bender weather or not it is gona be the best angle for ur application I have no clue because these kits never give u a break down of whats included. best off to talk to turk find out what u need and hunt down the pieces.
New member
i bought my kit from rpc(reichards performance centre) and i know that they will swap there kit helix for the one you want. or atleast they did that for me.
Active member
Dont buy a pre packaged kit....since all machines are a little different.
With any kit there is still some fine tuning to do.
Take Turks advice and use a proven combo that many have spent time testing. Again there still may be fine tuning for your particular machine, weight, riding style and so on.
I have been playing with my clutches for 3 seasons and am real close to what I am looking for. The off the shelf kit I purchased was not even close.
With any kit there is still some fine tuning to do.
Take Turks advice and use a proven combo that many have spent time testing. Again there still may be fine tuning for your particular machine, weight, riding style and so on.
I have been playing with my clutches for 3 seasons and am real close to what I am looking for. The off the shelf kit I purchased was not even close.
New member
ok thanks for the help il ask turk when the time comes.. man these clutch kits go fast
New member
I seen where HC's have lost on top end but pulled crazy bottem end where HH's are decent on bottom, but will see improvement in topend. Is this right???? Also i read that you can fix the top end loss with bigger rollers with the HC's????
you can have great topend with h/c's but you need to use a shallow finish helix with tip weight in the weights.