talk about 600's


Active member
Sep 18, 2006
Duluth, Mn
I hear a lot of talk about srx 700's, but very little about 600's. What can they run against. Lets hear some stories. I need to know who not to mess with this winter!!!! :ORC
from what I heard the 600 SRXs will take all 600 twins and some 700s. It would actually probably kill the non power valve 700 too, if not the Viper. From what I've heard they are fast.
I had a 98 600 srx with just some clutching. It would run with almost anything. Ran against some apex's and attacks last year and couldn,t beat them but it was ski tip to ski tip. Of course some might claim it wasn't stock. :D

I used to beat my buddies 98 mxz 670 every time.
Ya still think you have a 600? Brian; you are off your meds again? Bring that 600 out again. I bring bore gauge & prove it once & for all!
Mike! I am hurt that you don't believe
I never ran it against an f6......not many cats in the groups i ride with.

Oh! and I am sorry Mike but there will be no measuring that srx....I sold it to a little old lady for grocery

Now working on making a stock rx run really well with just a little clutching. Just need snow to do some final setups and we will see what it can do.
ok guys, I ride with a 06 apex and don't even have close to the power. I also ride with a sxr 600 and I don't think I can pull to much on him. My sled seems to die about 80mph. My gearing is stock. Although I am clutched, and have reed spacers, 192 studs, I also just rebuild the motor, and have 120 psi on all cylinders. I am wondering if my clutch is f#@king me UP! Do I have a lemon??? How much is a stock primary and secondary? What would you seinor memebers do to wake this sled up?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!! :o|
Make friends with a good tuner in your area. Several can be found on here and possibly even one close by. You likely are missing out on a whole bunch of power. You shouldn't have to replace your entire clutches, just ensure that they are working well and tune them to your engine and gears. The reason I suggest finding a tuner is that it likely needs to be gone through all the way.
If your running 83-8400 rpm,s on top end that is as good as it gets. 192 studs will scrub off a lot of top end.If compression & rpm,s are good you have no serious issues. Porting on my 600 was good for 2-3 mph on top but way faster acceleration in 1000' Stock jetting was fine.
