Viper Clutch Alignment to SRX Specs & Pipes


Oct 8, 2006
Northern IL
Just got a yamaha dog-bone engine tension kit for my (New to Me), 2003 Viper with 600 miles on it. I have read on here somewhere before that you should use SRX alignment specs when using this. If anyone would have these specs I would sure appreciate the information.

Also, I am in the early cosidiration stages of the addition of SRX Pipes. It appears that while not being the highest HP option out there it may be the most durable not to mention MPG. Both of which are major concerns. I have read on here at some point that I would also need an SRX CDI box and I would imagine a rear heat exchanger. Do these pipes bolt right in or are there clearance issuses to deal with. Any first hand information would be very helpful.

Betheviper knows the most about this topic as he did it to his viper, but they aren't just a bolt on and go setup. You have to cut out some of the shock tower to get the pipes under the hood, and as you already know the srx cdi box, heat exchanger, srx base gasket is a good idea, and a set of aftermarket heads will help you too because that is even more cooling ability.
