SLP pipes


VIP Member
May 4, 2003
Oxford, Wi
I just bought a set of SLP pipes. Looking for info on clutching and jetting. I ride anywhere from 600'-1500' and -10* to +30*. Also, currently I have one layer of head gasket, do I need to go back to stock, or two layers? My sled is an 01 SX700R. Thanks in advance. Later, Sxrlar.
SLP has clutching and jetting specs for their pipes on their web site. If it's not there, a buddy has SLP's on his MM (same pipes) and I think he has the charts still. I can check with him, if you don't have any luck with the web site.
I had SLP pipes on My mm 700-01,I had 145 pto and 147,5 in 2+3.We saw that with the same main jets strait across, the exaust temp was higher in cyl 2+3.had it hooked up to a dyno,made 130 hp.Those pipes are also quiet.The problem i had was that the can almost melted my bellypan,but you can solve that with some extra springs and a little bending.The black paint dont hold up for long./ Max
