New member
I just pick this snowmobile up. I've only owned news ones where there was not so much work. Questions is on the fuel pump I lost track which line goes where? Please help. See picture with labels. I have put down what I thnk they should be. Please let me know if I'm right or wrong.
A- Crankcase
B- Carb
C- Carb
D- Fuel line from tank
Sorry for so many stupid questions. Thanks for the help.
A- Crankcase
B- Carb
C- Carb
D- Fuel line from tank
Sorry for so many stupid questions. Thanks for the help.
New member
correct me if im wrong....
In the picture above, the top line and the second one the the left are carb lines. The bottome line is the crankcase line and the line on the right is the main gas line feeding in.
Here's a link that will benefit you...
view parts catalog and type in the year and make and look under, fuel tank....
In the picture above, the top line and the second one the the left are carb lines. The bottome line is the crankcase line and the line on the right is the main gas line feeding in.
Here's a link that will benefit you...
view parts catalog and type in the year and make and look under, fuel tank....
Take the mount off and the arrows will be on the bottom of the pump. Two ins and one out. Dean-o
Oh!!!! Two outs. Dean-o
New member
So with that being said, two out go to the carbs and two in go to fuel tank and crankcase.
NO. Two go to the carbs, one from tank and one vacum palse. The one on top in the pic is the vacum. The angled ones go to the carbs and the large other one is the main fuel line to the tank. Dean-o
New member
Ok sorry for this dumb question, where is the vacumm pulse at then. There is a fuel line fitting near the engine case below the carbs is that it?
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The crankcase is the vacum pulse. Some have two and I think the 80 srx has two fittings on the case for two fuel pumps. I'll check my 80 motor later today. Dean-o
New member
deanosmod said:NO. Two go to the carbs, one from tank and one vacum palse. The one on top in the pic is the vacum. The angled ones go to the carbs and the large other one is the main fuel line to the tank. Dean-o
That should be right
starting at 2 o'clock and going clockwise.... line from tank..... pulse line... carb..... carb...... final answer i would say since there is only one pulse line and two out lines then you have one fuel pump and one pulse line, also one "pulse fitting" in the crankcase below the carbs
New member
Thanks for all your help. Got it up and running tonight. Now just have to get the right size fuel line and I will be set.