Viper S Rear Shocks, What are they?


New member
Jan 12, 2005
I am doing my pre-season maint. on my Viper S. ( 1 season old, 1350 miles).
The shocks in the skid seem to be good and firm, as much as you can tell in 50 degree weather, but I decided to have a closer look, and now I am confused. Let me explain. I thought that one of the rears was an Ohlins while the other was a KYB. This past weekend at the milwaukee show one of the shock service guys told me that they were both rebuildable KYBs.
All I could see from laying on the ground was the warning sticker that they are under high pressure...No KYB sticker, and I could not feel the valve for recharging the gas anywhere on either shock, so I do not know if these are rebuildable or not.
So....Anyone, especially Viper S owners, do you know what these things are? Rebuildable? I'm guessing after one season I should be o.k., but I'd like to know what the shocks are. I have checked the Yamaha site parts book and manual, no clues at all.
What's the deal?
Thanks 2datrl
The shocks are Non-Rebuildable. I had a set with over 3500 miles on them - and they were fine. If you ride on really rough trails and you notice that they fade, you may want to upgrade to some KYB rebuildables and have them revalved ..... the big one is position sensitive ....

from the yamaha website for the 04 Viper S:

Center: KYB, High Pressure Gas; Rear: KYB, High Pressure w/Variable Rate Shock

from the yamaha website for the 02 SX Viper:

KYB, Aluminum H.P. Gas

I think the shocks in the rear skid are steel bodied vs the 04 viper er fronts were: KYB, Aluminum High Pressure Gas

Hope that helps! :)
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Thanks for the info. Guess I won't worry about a rebuild.
How did you get to the information that you quoted above?
Lot's of info out there - just have to spend too much time on the computer so you can find it (like me)!
viperS rear shocks are not rebuildable as you found out above. however, there are sets of the first year viper warrantee shocks still floating around. you should be able to pick a set up for the rear which can be revalved and rebuilt. the cost used should be about 100.00. if they want anymore they are ripping you off. the owners only gave 189.00 for the upgrade and got to keep their shocks (in some cases). the dealers kept these for warrantee in some cases too. but there should be some out there still. good luck. ski
Great idea, I'll see if my dealer has any laying around for future use.
To get the shocks I think you need to have the serial number of a 2002 Viper that you can give them, as they were part of a yamaha update deal. (I had to give it to my dealer for my dad's shocks.)

xsivhp - are you saying that Yamaha dealers are still honoring the upgrade deal? If so, that would be great as I have an 02 I would like to upgrade the shocks on.
